
Why Are You Gaining Fat in Your Body? 6 Major Factors That Could Be Causing Your Obesity If you've been eating a healthy diet and exercising, but your weight is on the rise, there could be an underlying medical issue that has you concerned. Maybe it's a hormone condition, or another factor altering your body's physiology without you knowing it. Obesity is a disorder that develops when you consume more calories than you burn off. That excess can be stored as fat, which is harmful to your health. There are several major factors that cause obesity, including genetics, social and economic influences, and environmental conditions. 1. Diet (the amount of food and drinks consumed) Eating too many calories is one of the most common causes of obesity. Americans consume a large number of calories every day from foods and beverages that are high in fat, sugar, salt and alcohol. Combined with a lack of exercise, this can lead to obesity and a higher risk of other diseases. 2. Physical activity levels: Most adults in the United States are overweight or obese, and they should be getting regular physical activity to keep their weight at a healthy level. Increasing physical activity is important for the prevention of chronic disease, such as heart disease and diabetes. 3. Hormones: Women's bodies go through hormonal changes at different times throughout their lives, and these changes can affect the amount of fat they store. For example, estrogen levels drop during menopause and perimenopause, and this can increase the chances of women gaining weight. 4. Medicine: Taking certain medications can also cause weight gain, including antidepressants, antipsychotics and diabetes medication. It's best to talk with your healthcare provider about this possibility before you start taking any new medications, since these drugs can alter your appetite and metabolic rate. 5. Age: Aging increases the likelihood of obesity because it decreases the body's ability to convert calories into energy and decreases muscle mass. In addition, aging decreases the rate at which the body burns fat. 6. Stress: A stressful lifestyle can cause you to eat more and burn less calories, and it can make it harder to stick with a healthy diet and regular exercise routine. It's important to get plenty of sleep, especially during the night, and reduce your stress as much as possible. 7. Junk foods: A junk food diet is often low in nutrients and high in fat, calories and sugars. It's also difficult to digest and metabolize, which means that your body spends more energy breaking down the food and sending it to fat storage instead of burning it for energy. 8. Liquids: Drinking liquids such as soda, juice, tea and coffee can also increase your calorie intake. These drinks are often high in sugar and salt, and they can cause you to feel hungry even after the initial satiety has worn off. 9. Unhealthy diet: A poor diet that is high in calories, lacking in fruits and vegetables and full of fast food and oversized portions contributes to obesity. This type of food is often found in convenience stores, and it's hard to avoid it. KNOW MORE : <a href="https://powergenx.in/product/labrada-muscle-mass-gainer-1-kg-2-2-lb-chocolate/">labrada Mass Gainer</a>