
Transactional memory, immediate-mode structured graphics, serialization, backtracking, and parsing

(N.B. the write.as Markdown parser is buggy, doesn't handle ==== or ---- underlines! It treats the latter as an <hr>!)

The standard API designs for graphics APIs are “immediate mode” and “retained mode”. In immediate mode, you emit a series of drawing operations, which typically change pixels, and that's how you make your graphic. This means you can emit more drawing operations than there are pixels in the canvas, and in some cases you can do animations by sending a series of operations. Memory usage and performance are predictable, but not necessarily very good. <canvas>, PostScript, GDI, and Xlib are immediate-mode APIs.

Retained-mode APIs, by contrast, maintain a set of graphical objects in memory, and the API lets you create and modify those objects. Often they're arranged into a tree structure by containment. Typically they are a lot more of a pain to use and use a lot more memory. The SVG DOM is a retained-mode API.

Immediate-mode APIs, although they're often easier to use, have a few drawbacks:

  1. It's a little bit tricky to make antialiasing work.
  2. You can't zoom. Or, rather, zooming involves redrawing. And that's slow.
  3. The drawn objects can't be clickable because they don't have persistent identities.

This bit about redrawing, though, that's interesting. Presumably the entire structure of your immediate-mode graphic somehow inheres in your code combined with the memory state it is interpreting. As long as you can re-execute the code deterministically, you can redraw or inspect whatever other behavior of the code you would like to inspect.

Memory transactions and caching

Optimistically-synchronized transactional-memory systems also rely on the ability of bits of code to re-execute deterministically, as does Umut Acar's Self-Adjusting Computation. Optimistic TMs will roll back a transaction when another transaction has written to a shared variable that it has read, retrying it from the beginning with the new value, potentially as late as when it attempts to commit. (Some TMs also allow writes to leak out during transaction execution; in these cases, if another transaction reads those writes, it must be rolled back and retried if the writes are rolled back. This can lead to livelock.)

The basic idea is that, if you can track all the bits of memory that the code reads from outside of its ephemeral internal state, you can be sure that the code would produce the same results if it were executed again; and if you control its outputs, you can undo those results if necessary. This allows you to confidently cache the results of running it, among other things.

What if we did this with immediate-mode drawing? If we divide our drawing into a series of possibly nested transactions, the transaction system can provide the advantages of a retained-mode API potentially without all the expense —– the transaction system can intelligently trade off memory space against the possible inefficiency of having to re-execute. It can, for example, compute a bounding box for each transaction, and then, when zooming, only re-execute transactions that impinge on the visible screen area. (You could also offer an a-priori bounding-box function which tells you whether any of a given bounding box is visible, so as to avoid executing things inside of it, but this conflicts with the transaction system's necessity for the viewport not to affect the drawing; a reasonable compromise is to offer a “clip” function which limits the visibility of further drawing to a given bounding box.)

Also, of course, being able to confidently re-execute an immediate-mode drawing enables us to detect clicks, if that's a thing we want to do.

Data serialization

We can apply an analogous approach to serializing and deserializing data structures, with the highly desirable benefits of being able to orthogonally cache serializations and writing the serialization and deserialization code as one routine. An IMGUI library like Dear ImGui might establish a mapping between a character buffer and a widget on every drawn frame:

ImGui::InputText("string", buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf));

We might analogously establish a mapping between a character buffer and a chunk of the input/output stream:

int len = strlen(buf);
bytes(buf, len);

When serializing, little_endian_32 will serialize len to the stream (as a little-endian 32-bit binary number, I suppose); when deserializing, it will overwrite its current value with the value deserialized from the stream. Then bytes correspondingly reads or writes the given number of bytes.

We could imagine running the above in a transactional context that tracks its reads and the output bytes and is thus able to cache the output bytes and not re-execute the code when the inputs haven't changed.


A transaction system is perfectly entitled to checkpoint partially-executed transactions so that it can restart them from a checkpoint, rather than from the beginning, if it needs to retry them. This may be more expensive (it needs to save the entire ephemeral state of the transaction, not just the program counter and inputs) but at some point it may be less expensive. This corresponds to chronological backtracking in AI search —– if you checkpoint the transaction before returning the results of each nondeterministic choice, perhaps implemented as a read of a transactional variable, you can run a chronological-backtracking search over its execution space, searching for a set of nondeterministic choices that yields a successful execution.

We can do better, though; with nested transactions, we can do non-chronological backtracking as well. Normally the failure of a nested transaction will result in the failure of the outer transaction as well, but the nested transaction may depend on far less input data than the outer transaction. The inputs to the nested transaction (its arguments and the set of nondeterministic choices made within it) comprise, for the purposes of backtracking, a nogood set. This should allow some degree of non-chronological backtracking, although it doesn't allow the transaction system to direct the search procedure to nondeterministic choices with fewer remaining alternatives.

In the context of serialization and deserialization, chronological backtracking amounts to recursive-descent parsing, and the transaction system is capable of the kind of memoization that allows Packrat parsers to guarantee linear-time parsing. I'm not sure if it's possible to derive Earley parsing from recursive-descent parsing in this way.

Reducing working sets

Although all of the above is written from a big-computer perspective, the thing that originally attracted me to immediate-mode GUIs was Arduino menu systems. I hacked together an Arduino menu system that uses only a few bytes of RAM by using ImGui principles —– from one call to the next, it only tracked the user's position in the menu tree, but the menu tree itself was generated on demand by callback code, which of course was not stored in RAM.