How to export WooCommerce Product Tags

With the WooCommerce Product Import Export plugin's free version, you can export all the information about your products under various post types. Let's look at how to quickly and effectively import and export all of your product tags from one store to another.

To export product tags from WooCommerce:
Select Export by selecting WebToffee Import/Export(Basic).

Step 1: Select a post type
You should start by selecting Product Tags as the post type.

Step 2: Select an export method
Select one of the following choices to carry out your export:
Quick export exports only the fundamental or common fields.
Based on a previously saved template, this function exports data in accordance with the parameters (filters, selective columns, mapping, etc.) from the earlier saved file.
Advanced export: Guides you step-by-step through any necessary filtering, column selection, and advanced options.

Step 3: Filter data
Use the following criteria to filter the data that needs to be exported.
Columns to sort: Choose the column from which you want to order the exported data.
Sort: Sorts the chosen sort column in the desired ascending or descending order.
To continue, click on Step 4.

Step 4: Map and reorder export columns
If necessary, the column names in this section can be changed. By selecting a previously saved template, you can see the preferred names and selections that were most recently saved. To change the arrangement, you can also move the columns.

Step 5: Advanced Options/Batch Export
When you get to Step 5, the window below will show up, allowing you to export in groups.
As demonstrated below, save the template file for upcoming export (if needed).
Click Export to complete.