A course I would actually pay for

I met an old wise man today. Normally I would argue that being old has not a lot to do with being wise. But this man got me thinking about the qualities that are common to old age and wisdom.

Old people (some young people too) speak with such gravitas, it's enchanting. It would probably be possible to distill the qualities of that speech into simple things that one can learn. Speaking slowly would be one such qualities. I (and many others) think fast, speak to keep pace with it and end up tripping over our words. People who speak slowly build a filter such that their thoughts come out in a far more articulate manner. If someone took a class where I could practice speaking like old wise people, I would go to that class over all the ones I took for my college.

Also, old people have so many stories to tell. That's something no one can teach in a class.