

I recently happened across an interesting gallery on ZDNet that presents the many different Chromium-based browsers. The most commonly known and widely used #Chromium browser is #Google #Chrome. But if you like to try out new software (it me) and prefer the look and feel of Chrome but are concerned with Google's data collection practices (it me 'gain) you can try these browsers out as alternatives.

In the past I was partial to #Firefox, and then used Chrome when it was shiny and new. These days Firefox is my default browser at work; its Quantum iteration is fast and offers a wide variety of extensions.

Over the last few days, thanks to the aforementioned gallery, I am trialing the Epic Privacy Browser. This browser is dedicated to protecting your privacy and data. I'm using it now as I type this post on my Windows 10 laptop and am very happy with it so far. It shows in real-time how many trackers it blocks when you navigate to websites. Curious to see how it run on my MacBook Pro at home.

Shout out to Vivaldi, too. They're doing good things in that browser.