What to do with the backup laptop

My Friday project is to get BitLocker up and running on my work laptop per company requirements. First step will be to update the Windows 10 installation from Home to Pro. Knowing how much my manager went through to get this done on her machine, I figured it was a good idea to take out my backup laptop so I could work while my Windows laptop was updating.

The backup's an old ThinkPad a friend gave me. It had come with Windows 7, however I decided to wipe it and install Ubuntu. This was my first foray into Linux. Even though I was new to the OS, having used Windows and Mac computers for years, it felt familiar. I mainly stuck to the GUI, only toying with the Terminal command line on occasion.

Thursday I booted up the backup for the first time in months in preparation for Friday's requirements. However I decided to change my distribution and do a clean install of System76's Pop!_OS. A System76 computer is on my wish list for whenever I have the money (and room) for a home office. Since the distro is available from their website, I wanted to try it out. I intend to use it for the day, collect my thoughts, and give my impressions.