Fear of having Peaked.

There's nothing quite as satisfying as learning a new skill. At least for me. I'm not sure I could count my multi-month skill escapades on just two hands.

These motions were once natural; execution flowed outward, oozed. My self-consciousness stops that oozing. A nag at the nape of my neck, pulling me away from the blissful free fall of a mindless moment.

Pure execution.

Stop thinking. Do. If you begin to think about it, acknowledge that thought and let it pass.

It's tempting to argue for moderation. And that may be valid, if you're not doing the little things each day.

Do you trust that you're doing the little things each day? Have you earned that trust? How can you?

Genuinely, how can I earn trust with myself each day? By waking up. Hygiene.

By moving and by puzzling. By caring about yourself.

If you care about yourself, be proud for yourself. and I can too. About myself. For myself.

About and For.

Task: Describe the tone of each line.

Wary Gleeful Envious Thrilled Warning Advising Curious Assertive Loving Proud Dreaming

I want to work.