6.0 Fact.... Dot.... Fact...

Unprecedented, that is what we are facing!

All that you know, all that has happened in the past can not explain or predict to us what is going to happen in the CryptoWorld.

It keeps us guessing and searching, which only results to that we are killing time. In any “normal” investment, you would put your money in and step away from it. Whether it is Gold, Oil, Google, Apple, Shell, Maple syrup..... You buy and wait, you don't research, deep dive, do background checks, look at the network, policy makers, politics..... you just buy and wait (ok, maybe a little bit before you buy)

Why? Because the gains aren't worth your extra time, if its 5.5% or 10% annually + or –.....

Now that we are facing an unprecedented potentials in gains, it brings out all the potential in us. Many of us are laser focused on any progress, announcement, partnership, legislation, PoC, Testing, bugs, fixes, upgrades and other changes being made, like the fact that Ripple has updated their website, or hired person x, or even which openings there are at Ripple! (Same applies for any other company connected to XRP).

I, myself got lost in the search of new partnerships and new exchanges... but at a certain point this was no longer a focus point for me. It became clear to me that were already upgrading their systems, and I even want to say that this comes from the developments made from Ripple. Central Banks around the world would move to the new norm, ISO20022.

Plus the direct connection with the IMF, made it clear to me that all will follow this path that Ripple has created.

I've been saying that all the RTGS systems which are lighting up all over the world is all because of Ripple!

One proof I found was via the European version TIPS, which was launched at the end of last year.

Follow this thread for clarification:

So If all RTGS systems can provide real-time settlements in Central Bank money on a national level, it would make sense that the next step would be that the central banks would provide this service also among themselves on the international level.

IMF opened up doors for Ripple, That is what was meant with “Plans with in plans, within plans”, Ripple & IMF —> CB's —> TIPS/CHAPS/NPP/FP —> Temenos/Equeen/TAS/SAP.

We are almost one year further and still haven't seen any significant XRP utility action. Why is that?

The IMF is convinced

Central Banks are ready

The G20 is ready

Regulation, regulation, regulation.

But what does that actually mean, regulation?





noun: regulation; plural noun: regulations

1. a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority.

“planning regulations”

2. the action or process of regulating or being regulated.


That doesn't really help... I had a long thought about it, and it can't be only about how to regulate a payment scheme from a to b (micro), so what is bigger... taxes, everybody wants to profit from the “equal playing field” (macro).

Digging a bit deeper, got me to Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS). They (the nations of the world) want to share a lot of Info with each other, so that every person /company pays his/her share of TAX!

Read it yourself: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/taxation/tax-challenges-arising-from-digitalisation-interim-report_9789264293083-en;jsessionid=89RUZWtIXoZ7p2sFQoAl4dgO.ip-10-240-5-77

or try my tweet (part of my pinned thread)

A brief summary:

Ripple.... IMF.... CB's .... RTGS... G20... TAX

Even though the G20 is a very powerful and influential organization, they can't decide by themselves how other sovereign countries should handle their Tax policy. Which could become a problem for the deployment of the “level playing field”, because it is human nature to walk the path with the least resistance. This plays an bigger roll when it comes to spending money! How often did you driven a bit further, just to get the $0,10 discount on your gasoline, or that you went to the club before 23:30 just for the lower rate, and that is no different when it comes to paying taxes. The biggest companies in the world are moving headquarters, jumping through hoops, creating shell companies, going off shore and so on.... all to pay less taxes. In this increasingly expanding digital world this has become a real issue. Countries like Malta, Estonia, Singapore, Bahama's are becoming a paradise leaving nothing for the rest of the world.

What do they need? They need to regulate the taxation on a global level for this digital level playing field. That is exactly what the B20 wrote for the G20:

The OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project (BEPS),

involves input from more than 80 countries, including the 34

members of the OECD, all G20 members, and more than 40

developing countries.

The G20 just happens to have a big say at the United Nations!

THE MOTIVATION for global TAX agreement:

”“conservatively calculates that governments are losing up to ¼ of a trillion dollars of tax revenues annually”


ALL of this, just to say “I'm so curious to see what will happen tonight (26/092019) at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).

Don't take my word, listen to what they say:

(as in play the video in the tweet)

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), is part of the “The Addis Ababa Action Agenda”

With in point #39

This web of information is so BIG, and so entangled, its hard to present it in chronicle order. I'm not even sure which came first.... (think about that a bit longer)

I do hope your picture has become a little bigger (and clearer) and you see what is happening and more importantly on what scale!

Global adoption, means exactly that, Global Adoption.

This take time and patience, so many things needs to be set in motion for all to align in the way it is planned.

That is the reason why I tweeted this out:

I will be tuning in today, will you join?


Ripple.... IMF.... CB's.... TAX.... UN..... ??????

We will find out in 4 hours from now....

Thank you for reading till the end :–)

Please show me your appreciation by voting up, liking it and a retweet :-p

Yours truly,

Sidi Charif.