8.0 XRP for Dummies

Tone and many other XRP haters, can be so inspiring.

They inspired me to write a short and simple blog, in order to explain XRP to Dummies.

Short and simple

If you want to send money across-borders, you will need to work with some nasty money grabbing weasels, who will either be very slow or they will take a big chunk of your money.

Ow, and or it just gets lost and you and your beneficiary is left without any cash.

By using XRP, you wouldn't need those weasels at all.

XRP has a world wide reach and could help you send your money any where.

Lets use an Octopus as an example, you will give your money to the octups in one of his arms....

Sorry, that one looks a bit too scary (that is for another Blog), imagine something like this.

While in one arm it will hold your money, at the same time it will search the best option with allllll his other arms for you on the other side of where you want to send your money too.

When you agree with the low fees, it takes your moneyA and releases moneyB within 3-5 seconds on the other side.

No more Weasels, ain’t that Fun?

Too hard?

Maybe it helps to understand why it is so hard for the Dummies?

BTC is the first out of the Gates, that is it! That’s their biggest and only advantage. This made them used to all the attention, but doesn't mean they are the final stage of crypto evolution.

You know🤔, a picture says more than a thousand words to describe the relationsship between XRP and BTC.

I believe that,..... No, I know that the XRP haters know! I know that they understand Blockchain very well, that they know BTC has a “few limitations”, a few rough edges.

The only thing that XRP did, is make it a bit smoother.

BTC wanted to get ride of the Weasels completely, which some or even many, find admirable (including me).

But the thought behind that is that they want to have freedom! Freedom of choice, Freedom of cash flow.

The funny thing is, that’s exactly what XRP is bringing.

Sending XRP is so darn cheap, its practically free. XRP will be so wide spread over the world, you could send it anywhere..... and in the near future, you won’t be needing to getting out of XRP at all, because it will be the standard.

I’m losing track over here.....

Short and Simple,

Thanks to XRP:

FiatA —> XRP —> FiatB

In 3 sec, with extremly low fees, ! .

Thank you for reading till the end :–)

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Yours truly,

Sidi Charif.