

You probably have noticed that I’ve numbered my Blogs, because there is so much to write about, I knew I would eventually come back to an earlier Blog, and either explain certain things in more depth or evaluate what has happened since that Blog.

In this case it’s about trying to further draw a picture in which direction we might be going with what has happened since 10.0.

What has happened since 10.0?

1) Brexit, got delayed, mainly because Boris is trying to push it too hard down Britain’s troth.

There are laws in place (fortunately) which are being respected. It very much puzzles me, that the initial reasons which was brought to the people of Great Britain for a Brexit, were mostly bullocks! The fact that the masses have fallen for it with open eyes (maybe for a 10.3) is scary and troublesome. Politics have been turned into on big media circus 🎪- it always was, but with today’s tech, it’s has reached an extreme point!

Why is Brexit important, one might ask? Well, I’m (very) far away of being an expert, but I do know that the British are a powerful nation and are a force to be recon with. The fact that London is the Financial city of Europe or even the World, should say enough. Their influence for a global payment network couldn’t be underestimated.

2) The new 3-Phase-China-USA-Deal, got delayed also! No real surprises here, looking at the negotiating skills of Donald Trump, which could be described as very unorthodox.

At the same time, the Chinese are very sneaky with their negotiations and more importantly very very very patient! Trump won’t let himself be bullied and won’t shy away for any loud mouth courtyard negotiating tactic and the Chinese are working for centuries towards a goal, a goal to make China N#1 of the world, not only for those who are present now, but also tomorrow and the next generations to come.

So The two largest economies their influence for a global payment network shouldn’t be underestimated also!

3) Swell, ............................crickets ..........🦗..........

Just kidding, looking at what Ripple has accomplished since the last Swell, is amazing IF you look at it from a “normal business” kind of view. A Silicon Valley Start Up, that’s grinding the trenches, working the floor, selling software to Banks and growing gradually. From that perspective, they have outperformed themselves significantly!

We have all read and heard the facts they’ve stated, so no need to go over them here.

So what now?

What is happening?

In 10.0, I mentioned that this game has changed! It went from Premier League to Champions League. I said that this isn’t just a start-up company, doing its best to conquer the world.

The very minute that:

• Brad gave that speech in Switzerland, in front of all these Central Bankers.

• Christine mentions Ripple in her speeches.

• Ryan and Chris are sitting in all those boards and steering committees.

• IMF and Ripple sharing stages at conventions

• People with high functions at major Banks, Institutions, Governments and Multinationals left their position in order to join Ripple.

The very minute these things and many more had happened, it was clear that the stakes level was much bigger now. A level where discussion and decisions were made behind closed doors 🚪.

A level that ones a decision is made, it gets done! Suddenly you will see things moving around and falling into place.

Most of it can only be seen or explained after the fact that it has happened.

I’m talking about:

• The High position chess game ( at the IMF, ECB, BIS, Ripple, governments etc.)

• The “sudden” pressure to get Brexit done.

• Central Banks “suddenly” creating/planning CBDC’s (China, Tunis, Turkey, Russia, Philippines, Malaysia, Brazil, Argentina, Singapore, Canada...)

• Laws and legislation happening all over the world (one by one).

All of this while the world is being distracted by tariff and currency wars, by stock exchanges reaching higher highs, and riots being sparked all over the world.

The combination of the above and that after all the wonderful news from Swell. I mean, THE historical fact, that financial institutions have utilized a digital asset for cross border payments, has been engraved in the history books of the world.

That MoneyGram and others are screaaaaming that ODL (f.k.a xRapid) is the next big thing everybody in the financial business will use and that the old legacy system will be dumped as soon as possible.

All of this and more comes with the total lack of any price appreciation for #XRP!! The complete opposite has happened! The price actually went down after all of this.

Of course the “buy the rumors and sell the news” applies here, but there wasn’t a true “buy the rumor” part. Unless you want to put the OTC sales in that box. We only saw the “Sell the news” part!

We are witnessing something that is so big, that it is unforeseeable! It’s being unfolded as we speak. It’s being set in place, all over the world, yet nobody cares about it. Don’t believe me, try it, ask people on the street about XRP and they’ll think you’re crazy or that you’re just a fortune seeker who is blindsided. That you can’t become wealthy by investing in crypto.

All of this says Champions League!!

A group of “Champions” are working together, some publicly connected others by themselves, but they now the game – so in a sense they know what will happen and what needs to be done.

The pro’s make it look childishly easy and the prices won in this League are astronomical. Take the Jamie’s and the George’s of this world, who are all bashing Crypto and never mention XRP, they control all the media and with that the masses. I don’t want to go to deep into these kind of theories....

Again the question, So what Next?

Two options, the non hype, slowly rising way, which would go more like this:

But I’ve let the idea go, that XRP will have a slow and steady rise.

It just can’t!

Too many Nations, Central Banks, Banks, FI, Payment providers are ready to go live!

No I shouldn’t use the word “ready”, that is incorrect, they are very eager to get their hands on ODL!!

Ones things start to roll it will accelerate so fast, that anybody who would want to jump on the XRP train, will be paying premiums on the price. So many will be too late, even more will be stunned, flabbergasted, shocked of what’s about to come!!!

When or how this all will start, nobody knows. But there will be a tipping point and the WORLD will definitely notice when that has been reached.

The Flywheel Effect has been set in Motion, at Swell Ripple said that they are at the 3.5 level on a scale of 6! Ones it reaches level 6, the network will bring the whole RippleNet to the next levels “by itself”!

If the launch of XRapid was day 1 and level 0, it would mean that within one year, Ripple has reached level 3.5. Assuming that starting something is the hardest part, that would mean that getting to level 1&2 cost the most energy and time. So getting to level 6, from here on would go smoother and much quicker.

As DIA summarized perfectly

Simple #swellbyripple summary. Banks are beating on the doors of @Ripple. Heard with my own ears and not from @Ripple

It is the job of @bgarlinghouse to scale in a responsible and manageable fashion. #0doubt in his ability to do so or the @Ripple

dream team’s ability to execute.

This tells me, it’s “Ripple” who’s keeping the brake on and not putting the pedal to the metal. Notice the “ – “ when I wrote Ripple. Something/ somebody is making Ripple to suppress the system to go fully live.

I understand that the liquidity level should rise in order to support higher daily volumes, and that the price for XRP should also be higher. The chicken and egg dilemma..... and that it’s a delicate process yada yada yada.

BUT the demand is there, the technique is there AND it all fits into current regulations.

I am on the look out for, when we get to know who will take over the 50 Billion XRP which are still in escrow.

Until that is sorted out, together with the global tax agreement for Digital assets, I only see a sideways movement for the XRP price, slowly rising. Just enough to show the power of XRP.

Don’t get me wrong, when it’s time, it is time and XRP will go!

100% #0Doubt

Yours truly,

Sidi Charif.

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