
Inspire Others To Create A New Freedom, To Live LIfe On Their Terms, Financially Free

So this is my first blog here and am excited to begin this journey to be a blogger.

Well, it wasn't too long when I finally realized it was time to stop trading time for money and began to search for a job that would not only give me the freedom to work life on my terms, but also be financially free.

Although, I would spend a lot of time online, searching for new business ideas, it was rather strange that when I set my mind to look for this new freedom, I happened to stumble on a youtube video which I could so resonate with and which introduced me to the whole new concept of Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing etc. and so the rest is my new path to success. The learning in the last 4 months has been incredible and I realized there is so much free stuff online to learn and/or to invest into to enhance my skills and knowledge. I've paid a lot of money to join programs and courses and while none has gone waste as it has enhanced my competencies and skills, which has given me waste experience in leadership and being a better leader, it has also come with a lot of stress and lack of family time, which although the money is good, it isn't the place I would choose to be, especially since it forces me to be away from my family and the people I care and Love.

So with my new learning, I was introduced to and so am here to use this platform to learn, grow, educate and share my knowledge, experiences which can and hopefully will benefit someone else to create a new freedom for them, such that they can live life on their terms, financially free.

The barrel of failure in our lives

When we look down at failure, we do whatever it takes, something, anything, to get moving, to start an upward climb to the point of survival. And, once we get to that point where our head is above the waters, we get content. We than start to head back down again. As we get closer to the failure line that we see coming, we once again do whatever it takes to turn this route around and start heading back up to survival. And the cycle continues….

That’s what I have done and what many other people do, living their entire life oscillating between failure and survival, sometimes striving towards success, may be even reaching there and then turning back and heading downwards again.

We do this with our finances, relationships, health and in our lives as a whole. We sabotage ourselves for all kinds of reasons. We blame the past, the present, the circumstances, the environment, we’re mean to ourselves and for some reason we believe we don’t deserve success. but what we don’t realize is that when we are at the bottom, the failure path, we find a way, something, anything, to get moving towards survival, then our comforts begin and that is where we stop progressing. This is the only reason why our lives follow this roller coaster, it’s that simple. As soon as we get away from failure and up past the line of survival, we quit doing the things that got us there. And you know what that means, it means you know already how to do everything it takes to make you an outrageous success. And all you need to do is it keep going, but we don’t. 99.9 percent of the people do the same.

There is a profound success secret hidden within this roller coaster, if we would only keep doing the things that got us from failure up to survival in the first place. So, what exactly are those things? What are the actions that move us upwards from failure to survival and then the actions that drive us down? The answer is ‘Simple’’……

The things that take us out of failure and up towards survival and success is ‘’Simple’’, so simple that it is so easy to overlook. It’s easy to overlook them because when you look at them, they are so insignificant. They are not big things that take up huge effort, nothing dramatic. But mostly just little things you do every day that no one actually notices. They are things that are so simple to do, that successful people actually do them, while unsuccessful people look at them and don’t take action.

Let’s get some examples to understand what I mean, finances – taking a percentage out of your paycheck and keeping it in your savings so compounding it will grow. Following a consistent exercise plan to keep fit, grow your body without skipping or taking short cuts, reading 10 pages of a book daily to improve your language skills, or to give you inspirations/motivation, take a moment to tall someone how much you appreciate them. These are little simple things, which when compounded yield big results.

In business, it is the same, once you develop your business plan and have a strategy, you need to continuously monitor it, successful business, daily review their performance with the previous day.

Things that leaders do every day daily, clarifying and visualizing their goals ensuring they are always on the right path. Review their incomes and look into their marketing plans. Make time to grow themselves, invest in their growth. Network with others in their field, expand their circle of influence. Act as leaders to their teams, subordinates, accepting accountability for actions, tasks and goals they are committed to.

Let us all try to live simple but consistent in what we do.....and that will bring us success and happiness.

Mastering Ourselves to Master Our Destiny

Andy was sitting with his friends when Paul walked in, he noticed how Andy was overstepping boundaries and generally making his friends feel uncomfortable. Paul didn’t say anything, but noticed how Andy’s friends we feeling uncomfortable, unmotivated and unhappy. As Paul approached them, he made them feel comfortable, discussed topics of mutual interest, they soon felt at ease, were interested and relaxed. Have you ever wondered whether or not you yourself might come across as being Andy?

Well, many of us are oblivious to our own faults and social blunders. As social animals we get seriously in the way of our own success. Learning how to communicate effectively such that we can make people around us feel at ease is a skill that we can develop over time.

To do this, we must first feel confident. When we lack confidence in ourselves and our opinions, it shows. Others can tell when we are trying hard and that can become unappealing and embarrassing to them. To master your destiny and communicate with authenticity, you need to believe and realize that you are capable, competent and have the strength and determination to be the master of your destiny.

So how do you do this? It’s simply, you don’t need to impress anyone. You are simply there to share ideas and conversation while having a good time. Whether people agree with you or not isn’t the end of the world; opinions and idea are just that. It is fact that is indisputable, and if you find yourself squabbling about facts, as long as you do so in a respectful manner, chance is you will gather respect and build trust.

It is important to be authentic in communicating. It’s simple to do, but yet so hard. Think before you open your mouth; you have probably heard this or have been told so before. By being authentic you are being real. You do not want others to feel you are a hard nut to crack, are hotheaded or want them to leave with a negative opinion of you which may be detrimental to your future. Instead of only uttering your thoughts and opinions, listen and make mental notes. look for ideas that challenge your own. It is good to be open-minded to new perspectives, so try and learn.

Last, learn how to acknowledge. As humans we are insecure and hold tightly to an idea or opinion even if we are proved wrong. Don’t let yourself be this person. Instead, learn to listen to opposing perspectives and give others the impression that you are going to respect them irrespective of what they think or believe and even if it happens to differ from your own personal thoughts and opinions.

Once you master the art of communication, then all that is left, is to do what we truly want with no apologies! Then and only then can You be the masters of Your own destiny!

Be The Best Version of Yourself

In today’s world we measure ourselves by standards set by other people. We then decide whether we are worthy based on the opinion of someone who has no idea what it’s like to walk life in our shoes. Unfortunately, other people’s opinion shapes our life and tarnishes our accomplishments and dreams.

As we are the master of our own universe and can choose our own destiny, we should not waste time believing people’s opinion. When we give others the power to judge us and let their opinion matter, nothing good will come about. We become depressed and unmotivated when we live outside our own integrity. Allowing others to shape our dreams, can destroy our happiness and our lives.

There is no secret drink that can be consumed to make you the person you want to becoming, without take time, dedication, practice and determination. We have to learn the process and be comfortable with it. It’s always good to start with baby steps and look within, so we don’t fall off track. The worst thing that can happen is rushing the process and biting more that you can chew. Take things slow and give yourself time to acquaint yourself with your goals and reality.

Once you do that, you can pick up pace, review your goals and work to accomplishing them realistically. Reward yourself for taking this part to accomplish your goals instead of being stuck in the rat race like many. Your destiny will now be in your hands and you can shape it just the way you dreamt it should be. Once you see the path to achieving your destiny happen, congratulate yourself as there are many who never get to this point. From here on, it is all about being the best You. Allow yourself to feel pride for all your accomplishments. Success breeds success, and setting small, reasonable goals and celebrating the success will move you on to the next goal and the next till eventually you will have achieved something huge and major!

Being the best version of yourself will take time and effort and perseverance is a good substitute for talent. Stop following the opinion of other people or believe what they have to say about you because only You are the master your own destiny!

Tips to Help Overcome Shyness and Social Awkwardness

Personally, I’ve grown up as a Shy person and have had been in several social awkward situations, which impacted me as I became an Adult. I wasn’t aware of any help that I could seek nor have access to any tips, which could have guided me. But as I got to a level of maturity, I began to self-educate me to overcome shyness and social awkwardness and its been a learning since. Feeling shy or awkward in certain situations is understandable. We all get nervous when we have to talk to that guy or girl, or get sweaty palms before we have to give a speech? For some, shyness and social awkwardness may not be conditional, but continuous and it can be very frustrating and hard to overcome. Fortunately, there are learnings that can help overcome shyness and make social encounters awesome. Let me share some of the tips I have learnt.

Learn to Laugh

Laughter is the best medicine and there is something about it that makes everyone feel more comfortable. I learnt this early in life and used it as an ice breaker at work and even at parties to get others comfortable and at ease. So, don't be afraid to laugh at someone's jokes, or learn a few funny lines yourself.

Force Yourself to Stay

As hard as this is to do, it does work. If ever I was invited to a party, where I didn’t know anyone, I would find every possible excuse in the book, to be there just for a bit. I realised I wasn’t alone in this feeling, because shy people do feel uncomfortable in a social situation that they just want it to end or get away. Consciously resist this impulse. Tell yourself to stand your ground, stay put, and interact. Whenever I told my mind, that I would stay and interact with any stranger, I began to slowly gain confidence and it helped me overcome the shyness. A healthy conversation is all it would take.

Learn to be Comfortable with Silence

Social situations can feel awkward if you are uncomfortable with mutual silence. This can trigger shy people to “babble” to fill the silence, which then makes them feel even more awkward because they feel like what they're saying is silly or nonsensical. So be cool – some silence between people is okay. In fact, it helps give the other person a chance to think before he or she speaks. The person you're speaking with will appreciate this!


Just like physical stretching, socially and psychologically stretching can be somewhat uncomfortable, even painful. But also like physical stretching, it's necessary. If your first instinct is to say “No” when someone asks you to do something, stop and think first. Tell the person you will get back to him or her if you aren't sure. This will give you some time to pluck up your courage and say “Yes.”

When to Seek a Professional

There is a point when simple shyness and social awkwardness may be an actual disorder. Social anxiety disorder and social phobia are real disorders that may need the help of a professional. The difference between shyness and these disorders is how much it affects your life. If you believe you go to lengths to find any possible trick to avoid attending a social function, then it could be a social disorder and you should reach out for help. If it's social anxiety or phobia, it can have an impact on your normal productive life and you should consider seeking professional help.

If you believe an audio program that has changed the lives of thousands of people, and has received stunning reviews from experts and regular people who struggled with shyness or social anxiety and which provides a step-by-step system anybody can use to overcome their nervousness, insecurities or quietness around people, will help you overcome your shyness and social awkwardness, than do click and get your own copy which has been put together by Sean Cooper.

The practical and concrete directions in this program will tell you exactly what to do and when.

Why you should improve your memory

Memory is vital. We use it daily and take it for granted. We don’t realize the important function memory has in our lives. Having a great memory is important to our survival, hence we need to take care of our memory. Below are some reasons why:-

It defines who we are

The memories in our lives define who we are. Erase our memories and we will not have any sense of who we are. The experiences of the past determine who we will be or not be in the future. Without a memory of the past, we will find it hard to go forward into the future. We will have to start building relationships again to have a sense of who we are and what we did when we were growing up. Our Memory also helps us take our experiences of the past and build a better future.

It helps us learn

We use our memory to learn new things and develop new skills. Memory is important in school where we memorize a lot of information in order to pass our subjects. Memory is the one what we rely on when it comes to examinations and recitations. But memory is not just for memorizing. Knowledge is also acquired with the use of memory. We learn to do things because of our brain’s work.

It helps us with our jobs

When we get to our work-life we don’t have examinations but we need memory to keep to our schedules and meetings with people. There are professions that rely a lot on excellent memory. E.g. as a secretary you need sharp memory to be on top of your boss’ schedules. As a journalist you need memory to remember statements your interviewees make. As an owner of a manufacturing company, you need to remember all the products that you manufacture, the capital you invest and the income you make etc.

It helps build relationships

People who with no effort remember the names of people are seen as warmer and more intelligent than those who can’t. This is why personal relations employees, those in sales are trained to remember names on an instant as this shows respect and appreciation for others. When people remember our names, we feel a sense of importance and we reciprocate better.

An excellent memory helps people remember birthdays. This is especially true with men who usually forget dates of anniversaries and birthdays. People who remember special dates come across as more thoughtful and more caring as opposed to those who forget. Even if remembering birthdays are not really a sign of love or a measure of love, people still see it that way.

Memory is actually a reflection of our mental processes. Having excellent memory usually means that you have great brain power. Thus, when you are making an effort to better your memory, you are also improving the way you think.

Research has shown that diet and lifestyle can have a major impact on memory too. These are 14 ways to improve your memory naturally:-

  1. Eat Less Added Sugar. ...
  2. Try a Fish Oil Supplement. ...
  3. Make Time for Meditation. ...
  4. Maintain a Healthy Weight. ...
  5. Get Enough Sleep. ...
  6. Practice Mindfulness. ...
  7. Drink Less Alcohol. ...
  8. Train Your Brain.
  9. Cut Down on Refined Carbs
  10. Get Your Vitamin D Levels Tested
  11. Exercise More
  12. Choose Anti-Inflammatory Foods
  13. Consider Curcumin Found in Turmeric Foods
  14. Add some Cocoa to Your Diet

These are just simple and even delicious ways to improve your memory. Exercise your mind and body, enjoy chocolate and reduce the amount of added sugar in your diet – excellent techniques to improve your memory.

Better Your Memory Playing Card Games

Did you know, any one, with a determination and will to learn can memorize the Deck of Cards (52 cards) in 43 seconds? Before I tell you more about this, let me say that through time, there have been several techniques developed to help enhance one's memory. While there are several ways to do this, the first question is; do you want to better your memory? If so, then you need the determination to alter your lifestyle. For your brain to be active and to retain information, age does not matter, but keeping the brain healthy does. And, so to keep it healthy, improving your lifestyle becomes necessary.

Now, changing your lifestyle is not difficult, if you have a moderate and controlled life. What I mean is, if you drink too much alcoholic beverages, then you would need to control it to a moderate level. If you consume prohibited drugs, then you would need to stop, as these cause damage to the brain as you age. The effects of these vices are mostly seen as you grow older and will cause health risks which negatively impacts you to remember things.

It is also important to engage in activities such as exercises to keep a good supply of oxygen to your brain, the other most important thing is to get enough rest and sleep and be consistent with the sleep.

Understanding Memory at a Deeper Level

In recent years, the studies about memory has become part of cognitive neuroscience. The brain works is simple yet magnificent. It starts when the brain receives information and registers into your memory. After it has received and processed what came in, it stores the encoded information. When you need to use any of the information that has been absorbed by the brain, it will recall and retrieve the information that you can utilize on the spot.

If you do not take good care of your brain, possible disorders can develop. Amnesia can occur as an outcome of an accident. It will vary on the impact of the scene and health of your brain when the accident happened. Alzheimer's disease affects not only memory but the ability to recognize. This is sometimes experienced by older people. There is also an organic brain disease such as Korsakoff's syndrome that gravely affects memory.

Card Games to Help You Improve Memory

There are things you can do while you exercise your brain in order to improve your memory. Engaging in activities that require your brain to react in a certain way helps it stay healthy. Learning to play a few card games can help you achieve this goal. Memorizing the deck of card is a skill you can learn and with practice develop over time.

A good sample of this is when you aim to improve your concentration. You may want to try card games like Pairs. You must be alert to retain the location of the pairs of the cards that you are holding. There are online versions of the game if you want to start learning and applying various techniques as you play it more often. Research other types of card games that can help better your memory. Involve your family or friends to play with you or opt to play the games online.

And if you really want to learn how to improve your memory, or double your memory in 14 days, you may want to consider Memory Professor.

So, now if anyone is still interested to learn how to remember a deck of cards in 43 seconds, here you go, learn the Bicycleshop Lite Trick.


Let me now introduce you to Ed Cooke’s BicycleShop Lite, which will help you do two things: memorize the cards and memorize the order of the cards.

Step One: Learning the Cards

First, you convert 52 cards into 52 celebrities.

The mind ignores the mundane and remembers the unusual, whether people (e.g., Lady Gaga) or a sudden motion in the under- brush. The more unusual, the more the brain forms a bookmark for recall. To make recalling 52 celebrities easier, each suit corresponds to a personality type and each card (jack, 10, ace, etc.) corresponds to a profession (or category). This means that when you look at a given card you’ll have two cues to help you remember the celeb-rity.

The Suits (think: personalities):

Diamonds — rich people Hearts — people you love Clubs — tough or crazy people Spades — amusing or absurd people

The Cards (think: professions):

All even numbers are female and all odd numbers are male, and they’re paired up. You can just remember that, for instance, 9s are powerful men, and the 10s are therefore powerful women. The 5s are controversial males, so 6s are controversial females, etc. Mnemonic suggestions are included below each “profession” to facilitate the association, but you can create your own. Skim this list once, read Ed’s notes following the list, and then read them over again.

King — Male half of celeb couple Queen — Female half of celeb couple Celeb couples are the royalty of the present. Each suit will have its own celeb couple. Contrasting celeb couples — John and Yoko, David Bowie and Iman — can help the pairs stick. Jack — Religious figures Jacks are bachelors; religious figures were bachelors.

10 Famously powerful women 9 Famously powerful men Highest numbers, highest-powered people

8 Famous female physiques 7 Famous male physiques Hourglass or busty or hunky or ripped — the bodies of your dreams.

6 Controversial females 5 Controversial males Think of “five” and “effing”; “six” sounds like “sex.”

4 Female movie stars 3 Male movie stars Think of all those trilogies out there.

2 Sportswomen Ace Sportsmen Ace is a term associated with excellence in sports; think of “two” as “deuce” in tennis.

Ed explains how this is all put together:

Having chosen 13 professions/categories and four personalities — just 17 things to learn — you can use your existent knowledge and opinions to fill out a 52-card matrix. The ace of diamonds, on my scheme, is a sports- man (ace) who got rich (diamonds) — OK, Mi-chael Jordan. The jack of spades on my scheme would be a religious figure who’s amusing — the Dalai Lama has a good sense of humor. The six of spades, a humorously controver-sial woman — Lady Gaga, no question. Using this method, it should take less than an hour to fill the matrix out and come to be able to slowly recall the people who now correspond to the 52 cards. Once you have your cast of card-people, go through shuffled decks and practice translating the cards to their images until it’s automatic. This might take another hour to begin to master.

The next step is to put them in order.

Step Two: Memorizing the Order of a Shuffled Deck

You will now peg 52 cards to locations along a familiar route. It could be a path through your house, the journey from your front door to a favorite pub — whatever you like. Some memory competitors use their childhood homes: Scott Hagwood, who won the U.S. Memory Championship from 2001-2004, uses rooms from luxury homes he finds in Architectural Digest, 10 locations per room. If you choose that approach, you can men-tally position yourself at the entrance to each room and move as follows: at your feet, closest left corner, then clockwise to left wall, then far left corner, opposite wall, far right corner, right wall, closest right corner, then two spots on the ceiling. Choosing 52 locations should take no more than 30 minutes, and then you can start placing your celebrities (cards) at each point. Keep it simple for now, using a longer path if multiple points per room cause overload. Ed starts at his bed:

For me, a pack beginning with the jack of spades would mean the Dalai Lama standing at the first point on my route — my bed. At the second point, my wardrobe, I’d deposit the im-age corresponding to the second card, perhaps it will be Michael Jordan — the ace of dia-monds. Continue all the way through the pack, taking your time and lots of care to imagine each person vividly in their position. Once you get to the end of the route, retrace it in your imag-ination and you will hopefully encounter all the people in the sequence that you imagined them. You will probably need to go through two or three times the first time you attempt it.

And just like that, bingo: you’ve memorized your first deck of cards!

Better Your Memory – Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

As we get older, we feel our memory is getting slow and losing its ability to store information like it used to. While this can be a natural occurrence, there are things once can do and exercises to help so you don’t lose grip to remembering things and better your memory.

Phycologists define memory as the mental ability of an organism to retain, store and recall information when we need it.

Today the study of memory which has evolved over time, is now referred to as cognitive-neuroscience, which is an interdisciplinary area of research that combines measurement of brain activity with a simultaneous performance of cognitive tasks by humans.

So How Does The Memory Work?

There are three stages that form and retrieve information as part of our memory. • First – the information is encoded or registered once it is received by your brain. • Second – Your brain creates a permanent record of the information and stores as much as it can. • Third – Your brain will recall the stored information and retrieve it based on the circumstance that you are in.

Disorders Associated with Memory

One of the most common disorder associated with the loss of memory, is amnesia. There are many types of amnesia and studies are being done continuously to know more about this as well as find a cure. Other disorders that usually occur in older folks is Alzheimer’s. There is also a disorder called hyperthymic syndrome that centres into one’s autobiographical memory.

Better Memory

Now that you know how your brain works, and are aware as to how it stores and retrieves information that comes from various sources, you need to learn how to improve your memory and not wait for any disorder to hit you. Compare your brain’s ability to store information to your computer hard disk.

Your computer hard disk can crash if you do not take certain steps to take care of it. If you overload it with information it will freeze or just crash and you can lose information, so you will do a regular check to ensure it has no virus or potent errors that may lead to its crash. The brain works similarly. You need to take care of your brain to make sure it won’t give in or become weaker over time.

You must treat your brain right to benefit from its superb performance as you age. By leading a healthy lifestyle, you will help your brain retain its usual performance. Even if you think like you are good in remembering things, you must not abuse such ability. You can help your brain to stay at the top of its game by leading a healthy lifestyle. Have you ever heard doctors tell you live a moderate lifestyle and do things in moderation? Well, to have a healthy lifestyle you need moderation. You don’t need to stop drinking alcohol, but you need to drink in moderation. Drugs or any abusive substance can kill you, do refrain from them. You brain needs a healthy supply of oxygen to function well, so do regular exercise and get enough sleep. By restoring to these small techniques, you will better your memory in the long run. Do you know of anyone in their eighties and nineties? Many in this age group, have great memories. Why? Because they lived a moderate healthy lifestyle and continue to do so today. There were no machines or technology back then so they lived a healthy and physical lifestyle.

Take for example, my dad, at 86, he has a fantastic memory that he puts me to shame. He maintains a healthy lifestyle; monitors what he eats, wakes up daily at 5am and begins his day with light exercise, drives himself to do his chores, physically gets on his knees and washes his own clothes, does not believe in washing machines or dish washers or the house staff do his things, reads daily and reads a lot etc. I do not believe that as you grow older memory gets weaker. Age has nothing to do with memory, if we take care of it as we grow older.

There is so much information available today for us to understand how to improve our memory, or double our memory. I found the Memory Professor particularly interesting;

Smoking- Not a Solution

Stress is directly proportional to smoking. All the smokers out there will agree with this fact. It is a common slogan of all the smokers that because they smoke of stress. But this is a misconception. People often get stressed, due to their smoking habit. Even after quitting smoking, smokers often start smoking. The main causes for taking up smoking again are social gatherings, parties, stress and alcohol.

There are several smokers, who want to get rid of this deadly chemical. After few failed attempts, they even say bye to smoking. But, after a certain period their urge for smoking begins. They feel that life is boring without smoking. The ex-smoker becomes nervous, upset and depress without smoking. These kinds of depressions are one of the effects of not smoking.

In our daily life, we experience stress everywhere. The stress can be job related or family or friends or financial. In such stressful situations, the ex-smoker wants to take the help of smoking. He would go for smoking, as he thinks it to be helpful. However, this is a complete misconception of him.

For Instance, you are having a lot of work pressure in the office. If you use to smoke earlier, then you would immediately think of having cigarette.

Is it reasonable of having cigarette in such a situation?

Instead of organizing the schedule of your work, you are thinking about having cigarette. Can you give any cause for having cigarette in this situation? Neither cigarette can help you in easing the work pressure, nor can do the work. Thus, there is no cause for smoking in such stressful situation. You are only making a fool of yourself. You are again allowing the entry of numerous deadly chemicals. These chemicals will result in harmful deadly diseases. Moreover, your near and dear ones are also being affected.

Thus, the job stress is nothing in front of these deadly diseases. The smoking will make you more anxious. It enhances the frustration. You will take another cigarette, when the first one ends. In this way, you will start smoking again. You have quitted smoking, after several failed and sincere attempts. But, due to certain stress you are again taking it up. Even, if you are going through some major crisis period, remember that smoking will not get the solution for you. Several times, we are unable to handle our situations. Such as, death of a near one or getting bankrupt, or major illness and ended up in taking cigarette. But, always remember that smoking is not going to solve your problem.

What surprises me with smokers that fly long distances, are able to stay without a cigarette, but no sooner they land, make up for the entire trip.

If you are determined to stop smoking and make your family happy or just do it to give yourself a healthy lifestyle but are unable to stop, then consider the Quit Smoking Magic, to stop smoking in as little as 7 days, even if you have been a chain smoker for over 20 years.

And if you are someone with a high will power and totally determined to save yourself from smoking, need quick results and are ready to stop smoking in One Hour, then this is for you. Your only answer to Quit Smoking NOW!

Are you a Woodworking enthusiast?

I’ve been woodworking for over ten years and the #1 challenge most woodworkers like me face is not having access to the right drawings and tools.

Like most successful woodworker I desire for detailed drawing and diagrams to build my woodworking projects faster and cheaper. But spend hours sketching designs on paper to see what works and doesn’t then fix and draw again which takes a lot of time and stress. Then the battle with the tools particularly the glue trying to achieve that perfect joint.

To create unique furniture designs I have to sketch the designs and diagrams in detail to start and complete a project in days.

And so, began to search for options until I discovered “Ted’s Woodworking” an incredible downloadable guide that saved me time and showed me how to use normal tools to get a good alignment with reduced effort.

It wasn’t easy to transform from “sketching designs” and creating detailed diagrams to a “simple” to follow detailed plan and unique video. I struggled with ‘change’ and the new way to read diagrams and follow step by step instructions, although it appeared simple.

But once I mastered reading the Ted’s woodworking diagrams, woodworking was fun and a breeze. I made furniture to place around the house conveniently, made some fun toys for my kids and even built a gazebo in our backyard that made my neighbours jealous.

I believe Ted’s Woodworking is a great community if you are serious about Woodworking and want to channelize all that pent-up stress into something Creative.