//00: Introduction to the Project and Assignments


+++ Introduction +++ A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step... so they say. In the journey of a) this blog, b) the Resilience Through Nature Project it accompanies, and c) the spaces of “Co-living by the Forest” and “Homestead Mokovec” that host it, it might be even harder to define what the first step was.

Was it the question of how to find calm and reconnect to oneself in our fast changing world?

Or was it the wish to steward the land, grow own food, explore what it means to live hand in hand with nature?

Maybe it was the desire to find an own path and connection to living on this Earth in a sustainable, connected, meaningful way; beyond what could be found about it easily.

With these, and many more wishes, we embarked on a journey that lasts until this day. We, that is the members of both spaces of “Coliving by the Forest” and “Homestead Mokovec”, have launched the yearlong “Resilience Though Nature” Project, marked by one event a month. Here, we document the topic of the event and outline one assignment you can do yourself to be a part of the journey.

We wanted to share more of our journey towards community, towards nature, and ultimately, back to ourselves. Maybe this is a journey we are all on, in our own ways. This blog is a simple documentation of some of our steps in the project. We hope that you might find some steps you can recreate at home, some thoughts to accompany you wherever you stand in life, or maybe even a bit of color on a grey day. By sharing our journey, we hope we can play a little role in yours.

(This blog states the opinion of the author only. MOVIT and all EU institutions are not responsible for the information contained in this blog.)