//01: Co-Living – Sharing Space & Time

Co-living +++ Alternative forms of living | An interview +++ An incubator for ideas of encountering, stewarding the land and personal development, the space hosting the majority of events throughout this project is “Co-living by the Forest”. But what does it mean, co-living? This is only one of the many questions that come up regularly for visitors of the space. Here, one of the founders of the space shares some thoughts on the most common questions.

In a nutshell, what is “Co-living by the forest” about? It's simply a concept of living that takes into account multiple levels of our existence together with the nature. The perspective through which it can be conveyed might vary regarding the public it's meant to address. So in this way, I might be talking about a space where living beings are learning to live together in harmony and balance, respecting each other as valuable members of this place. From a very human perspective, it's simply an experiment of a heart-centered way of living that is meant to reflect our direct inner desires. As a way of being, this is a space that offers a possibility for individuals to tune into their own way of human experience and find a way to connect in terms of a greater organism.

How does this connection express itself practically? What do you do from day to day? In the end one can say that it boils down to very simple tasks where we are learning to become co-creators together with Mother Earth. Through activities like gardening, natural building, artistic expression, ceremonial connections, ancestral healing, and more, we are discovering a multitude of what living on Earth offers.

How did you get started with the space? It's an ancestral place that at some point was empty of inhabitants and simply extended a call that in some or another form we heard. And this journey was, probably, a mutual journey of healing and transformation of us as human beings as well as the space, as part of the Earth.

What fulfills you in being in the space? It's probably this feeling of connection that makes one feel alive. It's the expressions of nature in various forms, whether through snow and cold in wintertime, blossoming in Spring, warmth and joy in summertime, or harvesting and celebration in Autumn.

What are your favorite things to do around here? Sit and talk to my partner (= the interviewer :) )... for me personally, it's looking for a balance between immersion in nature, that is represented through the forest, the garden, the creek – and the co-living aspect, with the group. And I like preparing good food (and eating it!) and lately, holding a space for various energies, and for various people to experience this.

It's interesting to see how you are interacting with the land, and you've been sharing your process quite openly with visitors and in events. How can someone who does not live in nature bring a bit of this spirit into their life? Go out in nature or bring nature into your home. You know, everyone finds a different representation of so-called nature in their lives. For some, this is as big as a piece of land they steward, and for others, it's simply a small part, like taking care of plants in a corner of their apartment. When one is to connect with various faces of Mother Nature, the possibilities are simply beyond imagination.

What are your thoughts on how we live nowadays, and how we can improve our lives? If by “we”, our focus is still on what is called “modern society”, we live in a state of insomnia. It's like walking around without really being present and operating in the way that is guided by others... So one of the best ways to improve our lives, if this is what is meant to happen, is that we can slow down the pace of our life and truly start living.

Is there anything else you would share? I feel very humble speaking of the idea and concept through this lens. The perspective I'm sharing might be unfamiliar to some readers of this blog, but it contains a seed of what we might call “life that is worth living”. Co-creating this story together with kindred souls, devoted people, and Mother Earth herself, is simply a nice opportunity to be had. I wish that ripples of this essence can bring some inspiration and connection for everyone on their path.

+++ Assignment 01 +++

Take a moment to reflect about your understanding of living harmoniously, both societally and in the context of your own home – and venture forth into some utopian adventures as well!

  1. What are your wishes towards a healthy society and homespace? How do we as citizens, people, humans interact, what are our rights and our duties? How involved and present is the state?

  2. If you could create your own state or community, what would it look like? Which topics would you emphasize, which guidelines would you have? How would your state or space develop over the next ten years?

  3. If you could experiment and had two hectares of land on which you could do so, what would you do with it? What would you create? What would happen on your land? What would it look like?