//06: Sounding your voice and echoing the year

Art +++Taking time to conclude+++ As the year draws to a close, we feel drawn inside, drawn to the warmth and quietude that make these long winter evenings special. When we come to peace and find silence within, we may also find flashbacks and memories of this year that is slowly concluding.

To acknowledge all we have experienced, learned from, developed through, understood, celebrated, struggled with, breathed through, come to peace with, and ultimately, cherished, we spent a cozy winter afternoon together, in the company of each other and abundant creative materials. We reflected and we looked back, we created and we looked ahead. While every moment can hold the power of coming to terms with how much we already have been able to live through and learn from, the year's end is one of the most intuitive times to make conscious space for reflecting. More so, it can be a regular, annual ritual to close the frame of what a year of our life holds. When do you take time to reflect? Which intervals do you take for yourself?

+++ Assignment 06 +++ Set aside some time for yourself, be it an hour in the early morning, watching the sun slowly illuminate the landscape, a relaxed afternoon period, between the activities that frame your day, or a cozy evening, as you settle down. Take a notebook and pen, and put on music you love. Then, have a look at the different themes that accompanied you this year, and see which role they played in your life:

JOY AND PASSIONS When has your heart sung this year? When did you feel most alive? What were your favorite moments?

RELATIONSHIPS Who were the most important people in your life this year? What was the balance of time you spent on relationships with different individuals (partner, friends, family, yourself) and how do you feel about it?

HOME AND ENVIRONMENT What has made you feel at home this year? How much did you feel at home where you were staying? What do you need in your environment to feel at home?

ACTIVITIES What were your main activities this year? What activities did you enjoy the most? Which areas of life have you been most active in?

CHALLENGE What was your biggest challenge this year? What did you need to deal with it successfully? What did you gain through it?

INSIGHTS Three lessons you've learned this year are... What course/course/workshop could teach others lessons from the experience of the year?

INSPIRATION What have you forgotten this year? What moments do you want more of in the future? Who would you want to be next year?