//08: Sharing the beginnings: A seed exchange

Photo +++Sharing is caring+++ Nowadays, while not only florists and gardening stores, but also many supermarkets offer seeds, it is easier and easier to find plants to grow. At the same time, the charm of finding a kind or variety that is rare and special, or that your neighbor simply swears upon, is worth so much.

This inspired us to organize a seed exchange, inviting all passionate gardeners to bring their favorite seeds, share about their experience with growing different plants, and finding some new additions to their garden. We traded seeds and seedlings, tips and experiences, and, last but not least, delicious food on a shared table and many, many smiles.

+++ Assignment 08 +++ How about organizing a seed exchange in your neighborhood? Gather some gardening friends, share about your intentions in your municipality and beyond, make posters and post about it on social media... and then enjoy the abundant diversity of seeds and seedlings!

Here are a few tips for getting started: – Contact your local, regional and national gardening/permaculture/nature etc. associations and ask to share your event on their channels. – Post about your event on social media and share it with your friends. – Invite everyone to bring snacks for the shared table. – Ideally, choose a day with expected sun, and prepare picnic style blankets around the garden for a cozy atmosphere. – Enjoy yourself! It's all good fun, and beyond finding some lovely seeds, what will probably remain most memorable about the day are the great connections and conversations emerging all around.