//10: Our wildest dreams: An herbal paradise at our doorstep

Photo +++Flavor to go+++ Who doesn't love the invigorating taste of fresh herbs spicing up our dishes and meals, providing intensity in teas, and simply just being a delight to look at? We were inspired to share the joys of herbs more widely, and organized a workshop of creating an herb garden at our local school. Filled with a variety of herbs, pupils can now snack on different flavors as they go about their school days, and get casually acquainted with a great diversity of different plants.

+++ Assignment 10 +++ The herbal garden of your dreams

Which herbs would you include in an herbal garden? Which spices delight you every time? Which space can you work with, and beautify with some lush greenery of herbs?

Make a list of all herbs that you would like to grow, and designate a space – even if it's the kitchen windowsill, that will be a start! Check about their ideal growing conditions, and ensure them as far as possible. If you have outdoor space to work with, even better! You can get creative with shapes and sizes... for example, how about making an herb spiral?

Finally, find the plants in your local gardening store and welcome them into your surroundings. With a bit of good care and appreciation, they can delight you for years to come.