//11: Take a walk on the wild side: A mindful hike

Photo +++ So much more than just a “walk in the park” +++ None of us can deny the pleasant feelings that hikes in nature bring with them, from the deep sense of relaxation we feel in nature, to the stillness that allows us to refocus, and the lush greenery that invigorates us. Nowadays, forest bathing has even become a science onto itself. Whether your closest nature space is a forest or a park, being able to connect with a scenery of green seems undeniably good for the soul.

We've spent some time doing a mindful hike with some visitors of the space: from focusing on our breath as we walk, to being mindful of specific patterns and sounds as we move forward, we consciously shift and center our attention, being fully present with our experience. And the beauty is that we can return to these mindful practices at any time, diving right back into the peaceful state we've anchored within earlier.

+++ Assignment 11 +++ Allow yourself to immerse into a mindful nature experience. Ideally, visit a forest nearby, or nature that is as untouched as you can find. Bit by bit, as you walk, shift your attention to each of your senses: