//12: Natural building – Living in nature's embrace

+++ A space like no other +++ Photo In living with the land, we inevitably ask how much we can live in harmony with nature, and where we can transition into more natural ways of being. In that sense, exploring the world of natural building came very intuitively. Having built several spaces around our farm in this manner, from compost toilets to an outdoor kitchen, we deeply appreciate the possibilities that work with natural materials, such as wood and cob, bring to us all.

+++ Assignment 12 +++ Build your own pizza oven There is nothing like a fresh pizza, straight from the oven, topped with sauce of sun-ripened tomatoes, self-grown basil and oregano, and delicious cheese from a regional farm. Depending on the material you wish to use, and the space you can work with, many different layouts and procedures are possible. Check for yourself: What are your wishes towards the space you would like to create? Which material do you want to work with? How much time can you invest? Combining all answers, find a building plan that suits you well, invite over a few friends, and start creating a memorable day or weekend together – one that you will certainly appreciate for years, with every shared pizza!