//13: The Hero's Journey: Which quest calls your soul?

Photo +++Our soul's mission+++ What is the quest of your soul? The longing of your heart? The journey that calls you, sometimes more loudly, sometimes in almost a whisper? We all hold in us untold dreams and unlived possibilities, and uncovering them lies at the heart of the Hero’s Journey. Appreciating the strands that underlie the grand sagas and big tales of those who set out in pursuit of something bigger, something sometimes unknowable, something worth risking it all for, the Hero’s Journey, as explored by teachings of Joseph Campbell, was the topic of our workshop this weekend.

Together, we lived through experiences for the senses, for the mind, for the heart and for the soul, tapping into what lets us feel present and connected to our purpose. In pairs and small groups, but also the entire circle, we reflected themes with each other and supported one another in taking hurdles on the path. We nudged each other and also called each other to be gentle and patient with ourselves. While the Hero’s Journey is a quest of each soul, we can find reassurance and courage in knowing that nonetheless, we are all on this journey of our soul, the journey back home, and we can be there for each other as we all find our path through the myth that is ours.

+++ Assignment 13 +++ Listen to the call of your heart

Take some time for yourself, have a notebook and pen at the ready and find a comfortable position. Then, simply start writing in a stream-of-consciousness-style what calls you, what you are alive for, what you crave and long for. Give yourself plenty of time to simply be with what arises for you, and allow yourself to write freely, without holding back.

After a while, and once you have expressed what you wanted to, take a pause and go for a short walk, a breath of fresh air, or something else that lets you change the scenery for a few moments. With your writing fresh in your mind, simply form one sentence that encapsulates your reason for being: What calls you in life? What are you here for, truly?