Hello. World. I first typed those words 37 years ago an Atari 800 XL. it makes me feel very old to remember the world as it was when I was 11 compared to the world as it is now when I’m 48.

I haven’t the slightest idea what I’m doing, and they always say to exude confidence if you want people to believe in you, but the world is upside down, it’s been turned inside out, and it’s been picked apart. Anyone who says they know what they’re doing is lying to themselves or trying to sell you something. Probably.

I’ve kind of sort of missed blogging for a long time, but blogging isn’t what it was and social media has… Well, it’s social media.

I’m flailing in that soup of once again losing a community, and trying to decide what’s next, and what I need it to be. Mastodon is hopeful, and is probably exactly where I’ll stay, but everything is so exhausting and overwhelming.

I’m trying out this new platform – new to me, anyway — and the biggest appeal is that I can’t fiddle with it to death like I can WordPress, like I could with movable type, like I could blogger, or like I could with blogging platform whose names I’ve forgotten.

It’s just you and me and my words. I don’t know what I wanna say, if I have anything to say, but I miss putting words together and having it mean something.

I’m glad you’re here.

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