Two Sides to Every Story

A paper-and-ink journal entry from May 3, 2017.

Long Key State Park, Florida

A mosquito got trapped in the tent last night and we were eaten alive.

As I scratch my skin raw, I imagine the little bastard rolling back to his village all fat, bloated, and burping. The other mosquitoes are puzzled.

Fat Mosquito: You'll never believe this, guys! Last night I flew into the humans' tent and got trapped. At first I panicked, but then I looked down on them and realized I hit the jackpot! I was alone, so I just fed on both of them all night. Beeelllllllccchhh!

And those little gnat things. Sand fleas? They're quite awful, as well.

I sit at the picnic table, still scratching uncontrollably, watching the Florida sun rise slowly. It, too, will destroy us shortly. It's brutal.

On the fence, a little lizard is sticking out his weird little lizard red neck thingie. I see a bird above, sights fixed, and ready to dive. I want to shout, watch out, little lizard! Save yourself!

I figure it would make me feel good about myself if I saved an animal today.

Meanwhile, this bird hasn't eaten in days.

Hungry bird: That was my breakfast, you bitch!

He flies away to die of starvation.

Quote of the day: There are two sides to every story.