Chess Middlegame Principles

In This Article, We Will Chess Middlegame Principles.

While the essential principles of the opening are all about developing your pieces, the mid game is all about using them to achieve a goal.

You can’t have a strong mid game if you didn’t have a strong opening, and you can’t checkmate your opponent as easily without knowing how to get your pieces coordinated.

The bonus to the opening article is what really makes up the mid game: Have a plan.

Today we’re going to look at the 7 main principles of the chess middlegame that will help you formulate that plan.

List Of Best Chess Middlegame Principles

Here Is A List Of Best Chess Middlegame Principles.

  1. Centralize and coordinate your pieces. This is when tactical opportunities will begin to materialize.
  2. When your position is cramped, exchange pieces.
  3. When ahead in material, exchange pieces, not pawns.
  4. When you have a bad or inactive piece, exchange it.
  5. Don't launch an attack on the flank until the centre is secure.
  6. When the opponent's king is exposed, look for tactics and combinations.

This Is A List Of Chess Middlegame Principles That You Should Follow.

Centralize your pieces

It is a well-known fact that in the centerpieces control a lot more squares than elsewhere. This is an especially important rule to remember when dealing with the knights. The knights can control as many as 8 squares when centralized, while only 2 square if cornered.

It is true that bishops can be very effective from the flank. However, in the center, they are more mobile and control both parts of the board. The same goes for the queen. If it is safe, bishops and queen should be centralized as well as knights.

Trade your flank pawns for the central pawns

The central pawns are generally considered to be more valuable than the flank pawns. This is because central pawns allow controlling important central squares (d4-d5-e4-e5) which can be used to support pieces and develop a strong attack not only in the center but also on the king’s or queen’s side.

At the same time, central pawns provide space and increase pieces of mobility.

Therefore, it is recommended not to trade your central pawns for the opponent’s flank pawns. In fact, you should do the opposite and exchange your flank pawns for the opponent’s central pawns.


These Are Some Of The Best Chess Middlegame Principles That You Should Keep In Mind While Playing Chess Middlegames.

You Should Master These Chess Middlegame Principles By Practicing Them.

Thanks For Reading.