
This two-page RPG is a satire of polyamory and pantheistic religions which page for page is an impressive amount of heresy and social commentary.

Players take on the roles of adventuring clerics trying to write wrongs and help people while being in spiritual relationships with various gods in the same pantheon. The more a god Favours you then the more dice you roll to overcome problems in the world. The more dice you roll the more likely it is that your divine gifts will flow out of control, wrecking havoc all around you. If you don't roll enough dice though then you run the risk of your hubris and lack of divine favour being exposed.

Success therefore involves juggling the favour of the gods snubbing and soliciting them in turn.

A God Master helps facilitate the game with the aid of some principles and spark table for problems afflicting the land. There is a sample pantheon provided for quick play but I bet there is going to be some real enjoyment in creating your own.

I can't remember the last time I was this excited to play a game; it feels like the right mix of silly and serious with a high concept that is easy to grasp and a play mechanic that requires some player skill and which drives narrative action.