This is more for my own memory's sake, read it if you like.

I'll be referring to myself as the Third or just Third, in the third person as well sometimes I suppose, in this. I think it sounds cool. I gave the people coming up most often an arbitrary number, for privacy, kinda based on likeliness to come up. With that out of the way.

I haven't spoken to first in a few days now, just coincidence really. I believe first, and fifth were at 4th's house tonight. They invited me to come. There were probably others as well.

2nd also keeps asking me to come over, or to come over to my place. I refuse.

Played a game with 2nd and 7th today, didn't go well. Wanted to play more. they left

I've been avoiding 1st's server, too many others, especially ones I dislike.

2nd playing valorant with others tonight. Still feel like thats some kinda spyware even if it probably isn't.

I should just finish this show and go to bed, I won't though.

That's all I can think of for recent history and today, see you tomorrow.