How to Clean a Wood Burner?

How to Clean a Wood Burner?

High-quality wood burners in New Zealand are designed to provide you with safe and efficient heat for years. However, they require routine maintenance to maintain their longevity, performance, and safety. Most wood burners have parts that must be cleaned periodically to prevent undue damage, which is often the result of infrequent maintenance. If you’re not sure how to clean yours, here are steps to help you out:

Step 1

Loosen the soot by lighting a small fire. After the burner has cooled, you can start cleaning. Apply dust sheets or old towels around the unit, wear rubber gloves, and place newspapers around the immediate area under the burner. With a metal scoop or spade and a fire brush, clear out pieces of wood or ash inside and put them in a metal bucket. Ash can also be scattered in your garden after 24 hours, as it can be great for plants.

Step 2

Once you cleared out the ash and debris, rub damp rags across the interior of the wood burner to pick up some soot. Dry the interior using paper towels. The glass door of wood burners in New Zealand can be cleaned with a wet rag and a glass cleaning paste or ash paste. If you are using a spray cleaner, remove the door and let the liquid soak for a few minutes after spraying the inside of the glass door. Clean up with damp cloth and rub to get rid of black patches. Use old newspapers and ball them up to wipe off any paste residue. Use a vinegar solution and a clean cloth to remove streaks from the interior of the glass door.

Step 3

Use warm water and a rag with a stove paste or polish to clean the exterior of a wood burner. Consider washing the exterior with a damp cloth, which has been soaked in warm water.

No time to clean or maintain your wood burner? Arrange routine cleaning from professionals who specialize in maintaining/cleaning wood burners in New Zealand!