Fireplace Cleaning Guidelines to Prepare Your Home for Winter

Getting your home ready for the winter is an absolute must if you want to survive the freezing weather comfortably. Be sure to put this task on top of your priority list. Most people start with their fireplace—and you should probably so that, too. Since the fireplace contributes greatly to keeping your home warm and toasty, it’s only right that you give it the attention it deserves.

Don't know how to clean and prep up your fireplace for the upcoming season? Don’t worry—we have a list of fireplace cleaning guides to help you do exactly that.

A. Identify the type of fireplace that you have.

Obviously, the kind of maintenance or cleaning required will depend on the type of fireplace you have. The steps for preparing a wood-burning fireplace or old western-style units will be very different from the steps for cleaning a gas-burning or an electric fireplace. Sometimes, the proper cleaning and maintenance procedures also vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Follow the manufacturer's instructions—it will probably be on the user’s manual that came with the unit. If not, you may be able to download it from the manufacturer’s website.

B. Check and clean the fireplace.

Generally, the first step in fireplace preparation is checking the firebox, stove, or vent. If it has debris, dust, or leftover burnt logs from the previous season, then now is definitely the time to remove them. That way, you can start with a clean fireplace. Don't skip this step. Otherwise, the dust or dirt clogging in the fireplace may increase the risk of fire and cause other safety problems.

C. Inspect for issues.

With a clean fireplace, you can better inspect the interior and exterior for any issues. Whether it's a missing brick for your wood-burning fireplace or cracked glass covering for your gas fireplace, you need to know the issues immediately before using it again. This way, your fireplace will function properly and safely.

D. Hire a fireplace technician.

To further ensure that your fireplace will work efficiently before winter comes, hire a fireplace technician. Aside from having the experience and expertise in handling various types of fireplaces, a professional technician also has the best tools for cleaning and maintaining your unit.

About the Author:

The Fireplace technician is one of the best fireplace maintenance and service provider in the greater South Auckland area. They sell and install all types of solid fuel and gas heaters – as well as provide professional chimney and flue cleaning, replacement flue systems, repairs, tiling, hearths and fire surrounds. Visit:–