You Mean Amazon Doesn't Respect Our Privacy?

But like.. No, shit. Right?

Are people still, in our Lord’s year of 2023, surprised to hear that big tech companies such as Google, Amazon and Apple have sucked us dry of our data? And then use that data to create detailed profiles of us all? This screenshot is from an article that I just read and in it, they cite some research made by some engineers over at McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. Here is a link to their findings.

They don’t really say anything that is too surprising or new, and they mostly talk about how big tech companies are not at all transparent with us, the customers, about what they’re doing with the sensitive information that they’re siphoning from us. No shit.

These companies have been doing this kind of thing for a long time. I’m sure that they weren’t like this in the beginning times of their companies, when they didn’t exactly know how valuable user data actually was. The pure times of the internet, if there ever was such an existence.

This post doesn’t really hold any weight in any regards, I just thought that it was funny that a team of engineers submitted information about how smart speakers, just like any other “smart” device, collects an abhorrent amount of data on whoever owns that device. As if we didn’t know all of this already.

Don’t use Amazon devices if you’re able to. Just go get a bluetooth speaker and preserve the good ol’ days.