A little something before 2021 rolls in...

To know that you can try again the next day, IS courage.

Not everyone is perfect, and not every day will be perfect; BUT, every day counts as a day, and that's an accomplishment right there – you can do this! 🥰

And, as we get into the new year, putting 2020 and all its crazy events behind us...I want to share just a few videos that I have posted on my Cinnamon channel here. It's a combination of motivation and funny and serious...I hope you enjoy!

This one is for encouragement...


Okay, this one below, is absolutely one of my favourites! Just love my mom's laugh, and her sense of humour to do these silly Tik Toks with me!


This one was so much fun!! An Italian Song...


*This one, is so powerful – Domestic Abuse Awareness...*


*And last, but definitely not least, a recap of some of my favourite quotes.*


I hope that everyone had a beautiful Christmas...now it's time to start fresh with 2021!! ❤️

Thank you to those who have stuck with me. We are all in this together – good days and bad, right?!

It sure has been one hell of a year, BUT...

Let's stay positive. Let's stay focused. Let's start a new chapter!! ❤️🥰 I also hope that you will have a safe and happy new year, filled with much love and happiness!

Thinking of you all during this time.

Peace and Love,


A little something extra for subscribers only...

“Let's untangle our mind, and set it free...”

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