“Let's untangle our mind, and set it free...”

Today, I will write about anxiety and share my thoughts and some quotes which I find to be inspiring. Here is a short poem I wrote, a little while back...

Don't judge me for my silence,

as I try to block my fears.

Don't tell me I have issues,

Cause you may not see my tears.

Just hug me, hold me, keep me near.”

- Sandra Scala

Anxiety and depression can really take its toll on someone.

Mentally, emotionally, AND physically.

Someone who hasn't truly experienced these feelings, really don't have a clue as to how it feels. Therefore, they really have no right to judge. It's not right, and it's not fair. Especially for those who seriously cannot stick up for themselves, or just don't have the energy to stick up for themselves.

In my opinion – the last thing you want to say to someone who is feeling anxious or depressed, is that they have issues. Telling someone that they are crazy or ridiculous only pushes them further away, especially when they are already trying so hard to pull themselves up. It only pushes them to think that maybe they are wrong. Maybe they did the wrong thing. Maybe they are not good enough.

I believe that the best thing you can do for someone who is going through a rough time, is to just be there for them. Appreciate them for the small things that they do. Love them for being who they are. Help them to breathe. Help them to talk about what is going through their mind.

Help them to express their emotions and their feelings. They may not want to, but that's okay – if in that moment they can't or don't want to, talk – give them their space. It doesn't mean you give up on them; rather, assure them that you will stand by their side. And don't stop trying to help them – bring it up in conversation again ... sooner rather than later.

A quote by Gandhi:

You can't change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react to it.

There may be people who treat you badly. There may be people who just don't “get” you. They may say bad things – whether it's to your face or to someone else. You just have to learn how to ignore those people. Leave them, because those are the people who are going to bring you down. Change your reaction, and just let it go. Let it be a lesson learned and a part of your past. Do it for yourself, and those that you love.

Remember – always have hope - find the strength and courage to keep moving forward. If you have to take a step back, don't worry so much about it, just find a way to do what you need to do, to be happy with yourself.

Trust yourself.

Love yourself.

Go for a walk, do some writing, singing, dancing. Do the things that bring joy to your life – play with your child(ren), relax with your furry pets, cook, clean.

Do whatever will help YOU to find yourself again!

And for those who are supporting the ones going through mental health challenges – just remember that the person just needs you to understand. To understand that sometimes, they can't control their thoughts.

**A quote from Dan Millman:**

You don't have to control your thoughts. You just have stop letting them control you.

Here is another clip of my talk from Ottawa. Take a peek ...


Just remember – if you know someone going through a rough time – hug them. hold them. keep them near. It means so much, and could make the world of a difference to them.

“Let's untangle our mind, and set it free...”

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