Why Cruises Are a Great Multi-Generational Vacation Idea

Planning vacations can be tricky–especially when trying to accommodate all your family’s interests and needs. If you’re stuck on where to head for your family vacation this year, look no further than a cruise! Cruising is the ideal multi-generational vacation for all members of your family to ensure that everyone has fun at their own pace!

Something for everyone

The best reason to go cruising with your family is the never-ending entertainment options! No matter what you and your family enjoy, you can feel confident that there is always something that each member of your family can have fun doing. While each cruise ship is different, there are some staples that most cruise lines typically offer:

Freedom to explore

When on a cruise, the ship will usually make several stops (otherwise known as a port of call) at different countries/locations along the route. During these stops, you are free to head off the boat and explore the destination. Many cruises will also plan excursions for port days that you can participate in with the whole family. While you’re always able to hop off the ship on port days, you also have the freedom to stay aboard a typically less crowded ship. When a cruise ship is docked, most people get off to relax on the beach or explore the area which means the pools are less crowded and the spas usually offer a discount.

The freedom to explore or relax on port days makes cruising ideal for family members of all ages. Plus, if your family does decide to split up for the day, you can always meet back up at night for a delicious dinner on the ship and some nighttime entertainment!

Meals for foodies and picky eaters alike

It’s not uncommon for a family to have different food preferences and dietary restrictions which can make planning meals difficult. On a cruise, you don’t have to worry about any of that! Many people say the 24/7 access to delicious food and drinks is one of the best parts of cruising, and they are not wrong! From buffets to ice cream shops to fully loaded bars, you can truly never go hungry (or thirsty) on a cruise.

Quality family time

Unlike other vacation options where you spend a lot of time on your feet, cruises are a great opportunity to really get some quality time with all your family members. You will be stuck on a boat together after all! From pool days to excursions at your stops to spa treatments and dinners, there is plenty of time to catch up with your family and have some fun together. Most vacations do not offer this level of time spent together which makes cruising the ultimate multi-generational vacation idea.

In conclusion, I truly do believe that cruises are the ultimate family vacation. They offer the ability to market to a number of generations all in one package. Families can take a breather when planning a cruise, because it offers them