hello world

i enjoy that the traditional greeting we make when first testing out or demonstrating a new programming language, framework or tool is "hello world"

i don't like it because it is quaint and desperately ambitious; i like it because it is delightfully buggy

by my count any program that does nothing other than print this phrase has 4 bugs:

  1. by common conventions of english (that i have now grown too old to care much about) the first letter in a sentence should be a capital.
  2. the “world” is used here as a name, and should therefore also be captialised
  3. there should be a comma between hello and world
  4. to me this looks like an exclamation and it should have an exclamation-mark at the end

to be fair i've seen the bugfixed version of this phrase, "Hello, World!" often enough as well – but i find it delightful that the most common implementation tends to be something like:

public static void main(string[] args)
    System.Console.WriteLine("hello world");