It is easy to teach an innovator than a CEO....-Ben Horowitz (Part 3)

Hey there!!

I don’t know how many parts of Ben’s invaluable words would come in future the form these blog posts. There are many things that I am afraid that I’ll miss even if I cover most of them!

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Now getting onto the point,

It is easy to teach an innovator to be a CEO than a CEO to be an innovator. That, in other words, means it is good to have ‘always a student’ approach while learning new things.

The most undervalued part is the network. If a founder finds a ready network in a VC firm he/she is hugely psyched to get onboard. A readily available network implies ready pool of users and ready marketing!

Ben mentions in brief about his journey running the VC fund. They started up in 2009 with a pool of $300 million and as of 2014 they were $4.7 billion in capital pool, as of today they would be more solid in terms of numbers.

What I believe is, more than the numbers the underlying values and aims that an individual has stood upon to reach a particular upward milestone.

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