End of November Update

As of tonight, I’m at 54k words. Roughly 160 pages. Great for a sprint.

At this rate, I’m done ahead of schedule.

There hasn’t been much else to talk about, and the amount of people who have come out of the woodwork to ask me questions about the book is cool. There's not much to say about the first draft but I appreciate their curiosity—no writing exhaust thus far. I sprained my right index finger while note-taking (which is my fault tbh; I shouldn’t rely so heavily on physical copies) and I’ve had to ease up on my handwritten notes while my finger heals.

Not a typing issue. Kind of lucky in that regard.

Otherwise? My least favorite time of the year is approaching. Christmas sucks. I hate it. It’s nothing but anxiety, trying to figure out who wants what gifts, and I’d rather not do anything than play the ‘will x like this?’ game. Yuck.

Happy holidays.
