Happy 12k.

Well, I’m 33 pages of garbage into Shedding Skin. Infancy. I look at what I’ve accomplished and I think, ‘Wow, I hate every word of this’. I’m headed in the right direction.

Meanwhile, my great aunt passed away. I’m not sure how I feel. Sad, obviously, but something else. Homesick?

When I talked to my mom about it, I let her know I couldn’t make the funeral. Not so close to the move, our savings are going toward getting from point a to point b. There’s nothing to be done about it.

She said it was fine. Expected. Everyone knows we’re moving. Etc.

I wonder if this book will be out in time for my dad to read it?

Knowing his health issues, it might not.

If I run out of time, at least I know I’m the same disappointment he remembers me being.

Cheers Kat