
Closing is tomorrow. We’ll be homeowners.

I’m excited and terrified, both at once, and I don’t know when the feeling will subside.

It’s been incredibly hot, too, and the temperature has put restrictions on my work. I have a new project, but the other projects are still being obsessed over because I convinced myself I’m more than capable of writing three or four books at once. We’ll see how long that unwarranted confidence sticks around.

My newest project is from the lore of a story I’m writing on BD. Related but unrelated? It’s about unending space war and alien demons.

No, I won’t elaborate further.

For the life of me, I can’t explain my compulsion toward writing about grimdark cosmic horror. My only saving grace is working from a 40k/DOOM angle rather than trying to dig myself into a Lovecraftian ditch I won’t be able to climb free from. Don’t try and one up the classics, Kat. You’ll fail.

But it’s nice to have so much inspiration in my work. If it wasn’t so goddamn hot this week, I’d have cleared several chapters for each project. I stopped posting updates because, as I get further along, I recognize I can’t give everything away in the early previews. It’s okay. No one was reading them anyway.

Lowkey jealous Trev gets to see the house in person without me, BUT it has to be this way. I’ll live. He’ll be back soon. He’s in my thoughts until he’s home again.

Cheers, Kat