Owning a Home, At a Loss

We made the move from Santa Cruz to NC in four days.

Mr. Bun passed away on the first night. We got slammed in a 3+ hour traffic jam on the fourth day, which had us running on fumes when we rolled into our driveway. I was so happy, I thought I was going to collapse.

Trevor’s Grandfather passed away two days ago. We knew it was coming; he was in hospice care for a few weeks. Still… you never know how someone’s death will affect you.

In this case, I am questioning my values. I’m reflecting on what I’ve managed to accomplish in my lifetime. Is it enough? When is it enough? I’m married to the love of my life, I have great friends and a wonderful extended family. I own a house. I own two cats and a dog.

What comes after that? Kids? Finishing my novel?

I’m emotionally tapped out, honestly. For now, what I have is enough. It has to be.

Waiting on the news about the funeral. My week hinges on when the funeral happens, after all.