

I am sitting here and thinking about pixelfed.social, and Mastodon, and for that matter Write.as, and Facebook, and Twitter, and basically anywhere and everywhere where there are lots of people – and how basically, the smaller the group of people, the easier it is to not just build a community, but to moderate the users of that platform. In a perfect world, everyone would want/demand their own communities, and therefore, self-imposed moderation controls. So, they would just use (or patronize) small(er) online communities that had a good comment / interaction / correspondence system. Imagine if you took the healthcare system, the police force, the government body, and the fire department of Springfield, Utah and put it in New York City – the metropolis would melt down in a week. Right now, large tech co's are far too concerned with their bottom lines to be proactive in moderation. And they DEFINITELY do not want regulation of their communities, or have any “sub-sects” or independence within/on their platforms. Smaller (well-moderated) communities mean less Big Money™ ad revenue for the parent co, so they let moderation of any type go by the wayside with disastrous results. What I am getting around to saying is: if you're going to be on the Internet at all in 2020 (or a functional adult out in the real world in 2020), keep friends, colleagues, people you can count on CLOSE, and don't concern yourself with being everything to everyone all the time. That's all. Thanks for reading :)