Be the Crazy You Want to See in the World

Today I learned that it's alright to act a little crazy sometimes.

As a creative I was made with a certain amount of madness built in. I think it's a requisite for the job, ya know? Show me a good creative who's not just a little batshit and I'll show you a well...a not so good creative.

I'm just the right amount of batshit. Enough to get interesting ideas flowing and paid for by clients, but not too much that people are calling the cops.

I also happen to have a huge stick in my rear end about showing my batshittiness whatsoever in polite society. Not showing one's batshittiness and cooping it up is expressed as anxious, talkative, blathering, awkward behavior.

Herein lies the dilemma: would I rather they think I'm a little mad or that I'm a blathering, incoherent idiot? I'll take the former.

So lately I've been acting like myself more everywhere I go. If I feel like saying something a little bonkers to a perfect stranger, I don't sweat it too much. If they recoil in horror, no biggie. I'll just ruminate on it for the next couple of weeks and eventually the self-loathing will subside.

The thing is, this isn't what's been happening at all. 99% of the time people lean in to the batshit. They smile. They laugh. They say something crazy back!

People don't care. As long as you're not sneaking up on them softly to smell their hair or talking to their kids you can up the personality, remove the stick from your rear, and have some fun.

This realization has put me in a pretty good mood today. :)