If You Can't Explain It, You Probably Don't Understand It

Today I learned that I don't fully understand some of the things I thought I did.

I'm trying to write an explainer about a rather scientific subject. Even though I've been learning about this subject for years, I'm finding it difficult to explain it in the article.

Do I really understand this?

I've had to look up a million things to keep going with the article which leads me to believe I don't fully grasp what it is I'm trying to teach others.

Also there's many different scientific opinions on how this subject actually works. This is leading me down a rabbit hole of skepticism and confusion about which scientists I should side with and which side I'll present in the article.

The article is not materializing as quickly as I thought and it's leading me to question everything I thought I knew.

Gotta run and get schooled s'more.