Set Yourself On Fire

Today I learned that we have to be very careful how we seek attention for our businesses and products. I was watching a lecture by two authors I admire quite a bit: Tim Wu and Douglas Rushkoff. It was entitled β€œOur Lives Are Like a Casino”.

The general point of the talk is that attention is the most valuable commodity in the world right now. I don't necessarily agree, but it's a close second to energy. It is, however, the world's only non-renewable resource.

At one point in the talk Tim Wu recounts his experience running for public office. As we all know, political campaigns are messy, mean, and full of noise. Mr. Wu knew he'd have to get attention for his message in some way to break through this noise and get elected.

He got the advice of a brilliant political strategist who said (paraphrasing), You want attention? Easy. Just set yourself on fire.

Yep, you'll get a ton of attention that way.

This really hit me. Marketing is all about getting attention, too, right? But those who truly understand marketing and sales know that there's more to a successful campaign than setting yourself on fire.

They understand the art and nuance.

If you are able to successfully market your business without setting yourself on fire, you are in the tiny elite who gets it. And you'll probably be around for a long time.