ALTHEA WOLFHART-NIGHTINGALE ✒ Age: 20 years old Gender: Female Birthday: September 19th Height: 159cm Occupation(s): University student, Part-time One-Shot Coffee waitress

Althea is a student of Kyros-Eider University, taking Computer Science. She is also one of the people who managed the dorm-turned Blodyngwyn mansion. At times she also works part-time as a waitress for her friend’s cafe called One-Shot Coffee.

She’s quite shy and reserved, prefers to speak through her writing. And if she speaks her mind, she always tries to do it in the most polite way possible. Her neutral facial expression always makes her look sad most of the time even though she tries her best to smile. Most people also have an impression that she's uncaring, but she just can't express herself well.

When facing something she can't deal with, Althea will take a step back and assess the situation as best as she can, but this leads people to believe she doesn't like to get too involved with things, which is actually true. She knows she's some degree of a coward and despise herself for that.

In her spare time, Althea likes to write and play games, ranging from RPGs to visual novels. Aside from that, she also read mystery and thriller books. She lives through characters she writes and hope one day she can publish her book and make people happy through them.

Despite doing her best to treat Sinclair and Juuzou as friends, Althea is actually quite confused with her feelings. Because she never experienced romantic love before, she relies on her logic, wishing to assess the situation and view every possible outcome first to learn which one is the best one to take, leading to either Sinclair or Juuzou talking about their feelings and them being shut down unconsciously by Althea since her brain is malfunctioning again and she still doesn't understand what to do.

Being persistent people, both of them still stick by Althea, because even if she never chooses any of them, nothing will change, because, well, they're friends after all.