Day 5 of YumeLokalWeek : Music

Kensuke Hibiki x Asano Kura

“Kensuke-kun.” Kura, the Go-Home Club leader, puts her hand to support her chin. “Don’t you want to try composing again?”

Kensuke averted her gaze and laughed. “Well, maybe after we go back to the real world.”

“Aaah, is that so…” Kura feels bad asking about it since she knows that Kensuke’s ability is not his, but Myu’s, and in real life, he can’t write songs by himself. Still, she wants him to know that she really enjoys the piece of him that’s conveyed through his first song that she hears—-Peter Pan Syndrome.

She laced her fingers together. “But, you know, I really like your song.”

Kensuke stops tapping on his phone and glances at the senior beside him.

Then Kura continues, “Mm, well, I know your songwriting ability comes from Myu, but the lyrics… I can feel that all of that comes from you,” she chuckles, “and I really like it.”

“Senpai…” he mumbles, putting his phone down.

A cold wind blows in from the open window, making the silence in the clubroom where there's no one else besides them feels even longer. And suddenly, Kura starts singing.

“I was not afraid of anything when I was a child. “ It starts as a mumble but after a few syllables, her voice becomes louder. “I believed that I was special,”

She continues, “With these hands of mine, as I desired, I will change the world…”

Just before she’s about to sing the next lyrics, Kensuke starts first.

“Stretch out your hands and grasp it,” hums Kensuke, “The one and only 'me'.”

At first, Kura feels surprised that Kensuke decides to sing along with her, but she happily sings along with him. “Let out your voice and praise the special 'me'...”

“Don't be afraid, come to my side,” as Kensuke sings that, he glances at Kura with a warm smile. “Love 'me', who is nobody.”

Kura’s heart skips a beat. She doesn’t think she ever sees her junior smiles like that before.

After their small singing session, Kensuke turns to face the club leader fully. “Senpai, has anyone told you that your voice is heavenly?”

“A-ah, um…” Kura faces away from Kensuke, her face heating up fast. “O-only you… just now, haha…”

“That’s not good, senpai!” he sounds concerned. “Should I tell you your voice is beautiful every day then?”

“NO NEED! I-it’s fine…”

“Okay~ If senpai says so~,” says Kensuke, giggling.

Kura looks out of the window in an attempt to cool her face down.

The clouds are white and plenty, there’s just enough sun and just enough cold wind to create the perfect weather. She wonders what the other nine club members who are currently going out to buy some food are thinking right now. Where are they now? And will they bring the bread she requested? A cold wind blows in again.

Today, the weather in Mobius is perfect. It always is. It’s what Myu is trying to achieve after all.

She sighs. But to her, nothing in this virtual world is real. And she can’t wait to get back to the real world.

Something still plagues her mind though. Something related to the glasses-wearing boy beside her.

“Kensuke-kun,” mumbles Kura. “Will you still be my friend even after we get out of here?”

“Eh? Of course!” answers Kensuke as fast as possible. “Why wouldn’t I?”

“Then,” she turns to face him with the best smile she can do. The rays of sunlight coming through the window illuminated her eyes, making her features shine brighter.

“Once we get back,” says Kura, “will you promise me you’ll let me listen to your song? The one that you compose yourself?”

Kensuke forgot how to breathe for a second.

“...uh, what’s with the silence, Kensu—-”

Suddenly, Kensuke bolts up from his chair and grabs Kura’s hands. The chair he sat in before topples down with loud noise as he grips Kura’s hand tighter.

“Anything for my beloved senpai!” he beams with sparkles in his eyes. “For you, I will fight a thousand digiheads, beat all the musicians, and scour the entire Mobius for Myu!”

Kura let out a nervous laugh, trying to back away slowly. “M-maybe not that much is fine…”

“No! I insist! A senpai as cute as yourself deserves everything in this world! Virtual or not!”

“Kensuke-kun, please… calm down…”