JUUZOU SHIROGANE 💎 Age: 19 years old Gender: Male Birthday: July 14th Height: 165cm Occupation(s): University student, Marching band coach

Juuzou is currently taking a Business major at Kyros-Eider University. Aside from that he also teaches a local marching band. He’s adept in some musical instruments, but he likes the trumpet the most.

He has a wild and untamed appearance and was known to cause some trouble if someone were to insult him or things he cared about. But since high school, he tried to be polite for the sake of his family name, and so far has managed to keep his emotions under control. So most people see Juuzou as a laid-back but cheerful guy, that is until he gets annoyed and finally shows his true color.

At times he can be quite selfish, preferring to do things for his own good. Although he has been called out for this a few times, Juuzou doesn’t really care about it until his parents point out it will sully their family name. Only then he tried to change his attitude.

He comes from a branch of a family well-known for their contribution to animal conservation, but Juuzou decided to pursue business out of spite for his cousin who always mocks his interest in art. His friends have voiced concern for his motivation, but he always said he works better under pressure and fueled by spite. Despite how some of his actions are fueled by spite, he will always do his best to not make their family name worse since he knows fully that his parents work hard at maintaining the shaky relationship with other families.

Juuzou’s true interest lies in the marching band, which he also pursues by acting as a coach for a local group. To the junior high schooler in the marching band group, Juuzou is a ‘caring’ but strict coach. He will try his best to teach them, but if they dare slack, he also will try his best to make their training a living hell.

Juuzou was Althea’s under classmate in high school, and she was the one who introduced him to their high school marching band. He initially only gets close to her friend and gets trained by this said friend, but over time, he develops a liking to her and decides to develop a genuine friendship with her. But since Althea knows his insincerity from the get-go, she has always seen him as a distant friend. This makes his attempts on getting close to her a little bit hard, but being persistent is one of his good points.

In front of Althea or someone he tries to charm, Juuzou will become more cool and very considerate, willing to do most things—-in Althea’s words, ‘similar to the usual Sinclair’. Despite multiple attempts trying to uncover if this attitude is just an act or a genuine switch, Althea still can’t decide which one it is. Juuzou insists he’s not doing it to tease her, though.

Juuzou also still calls Althea with a '-senpai' suffix like he did when they were in high school, but this time is done to tease her. He only uses the suffix when there are not too many people around, since Althea gets embarrassed really easily. She's starting to keep up with his jokes and teases though, and hopes someday she can get him back.