Rho pushed the library doors open, making the hinges creaked loudly. He wasn’t kidding when he said no one comes to the library often.

As soon as the door opened, I could see rows and rows of bookshelves, stacks and stacks of books on the floors, a big open stair connecting the lower level to the upper level with more bookshelves, and some weird animal heads behind glass cases in some corners. Well, I won’t ask Rho about that last one.

“Venust?” Rho called out, but the only answer we received is his echoes.

I glanced around the place. “Maybe this librarian guy is taking a lunch break?”

“No way,” Rho laughed. “He doesn’t eat.”

“Huh? He doesn’t eat?”

But before I could ask what he meant by that, a loud masculine voice boomed from the second floor of the library.

“Commander and The False Chosen One is finally here, I see,”

At the top of the stair to the upper level, stood a white-haired man with a major antagonistic vibe. He looked down at us with his ice-blue eyes and smiled a smile so hollow it strengthened my suspicion of him.

I just knew it. He probably fulfilled the role of a backstabber in this world.

Venust, the librarian, started to walk down the stairs, dragging down his fancy purple cape behind him.

“To bring The False Chosen One with you is quite bold, isn’t it?” he fixed his gaze at Rho. “I thought you wanted to steer clear from any accusation of helping her further the destruction, Commander.”

And oh god, the way he said that annoying nickname is far more annoying than usual since he’s trying to sound oh-so mysterious. I knew he’s the strongest healer in this whole kingdom or something, but I’m not sure I could stand him if he’s in my party.

“It’s all for the kingdom’s sake,” Rho sighed and pulled out the transfer letter from his pocket. “Besides, after you sign this paper, I’ll officially be her guard. And if I remember right, ‘keep your assigned guest as close as possible’ is a rule in the Knight’s Handbook on the Guard Duty subpart, isn’t it?”

Bringing up the Knight’s Handbook seemed to annoy Venust because he scoffed and walked down faster, quickly snatching the paper from Rho’s hand. He stopped right in front of us and opened it.

“Are all the forms filled in already, The False Chosen One?” he glanced at the paper before glaring at me.

I crossed my hands together. “Pretty sure the paper is already complete. The king said so,” I said. “And if you don’t know, my name is Merle.”

“Oh.” Venust raised his eyebrows, ignoring the latter part of my sentence. “So even your magic signature is filled in?”

“I, uh...” my voice trailed off. Damn it, he knew I couldn’t do any magic yet he still asked something like that.

Seeing my reaction, he closed his eyes and snickered in triumph. “As expected.”

I clenched my fist. Such audacity...

Venust then turned his attention to the transfer letter, hovered his left hand over the paper for around a few minutes to cast his magic signature, lighting it up in a variety of colors before it dimmed and slowly turned into a black-colored paper.

He gave back the paper to Rho. “You’ve officially transferred to guard duty. Do give it back to my Liege for the final seal, please.”

“Thank you, Venust.” Rho folded the paper and put it inside his pocket. “I’ll come here again if I need anything else.”

Venust put his right hand on the stack of books beside him that is nearly as tall as me. “I prefer you don’t, Commander. These new books still need to be registered and distractions are not needed here.”

“Even though it’s your job to deal with the letters... tsk, what a librarian,” I mumbled. Venust who heard my mumble started glaring daggers at me. It felt like those piercing blue eyes were aiming for my heart. Yikes. How could this backstabbing shady character be the strongest healer?

Suddenly, Rho nudged me and whispered. “Do you want to ask him about joining the party? I think it’s a perfect time.”

I don’t think this is the ‘perfect time’ for me, but I gave Rho a quick look. A look that said ‘I don’t like him though’. He answered with a shrug and another whisper.

“No matter how much you disliked him, he’s still an ally.”

Yeah, yeah, I know. I sighed. Someone fast at casting healing magic is valuable in the battlefield—too valuable for me to pass on.

I faked a cough before smiling at the rude librarian. “Venust, dearest sir, do you… want to join us?”

He looked taken back for a second. “Join you?”

“Yes, as our—” I tried to answer but Venust shook his head and cut me off.

“No need to answer. I know it’s about the adventuring party,” he scoffed. “Do you think I would want to taint my good name on purpose and join The False Chosen One’s party?”

God, he’s getting on my nerves…

“It’s not like I want to be The False Chosen One, you know? I don’t even want to be thrown into this world in the first place!” My voice started to get higher. “And you, shady ba—”

Before I could finish my sentence, Rho took a step forward.

“If we get the King’s permission, will you join us?”

Such a peacemaker, I sighed.

“Of course, Commander,” Venust snickered as he turned his back against us. His purple cape was blown by a gentle breeze as he turned, making him look more dramatic. “But since I’m irreplaceable—unlike you—I’m not sure my Liege will let me dilly dally around with The False Chosen One.”

Then he started walking away. Just like that.

Gritting my teeth, I start yelling. “Stop calling me that, you—”

“Merle, don’t go searching for trouble.”

The sharp tone of Rho’s voice sent shivers down my spine and made me look back at him as an instinct.

Still with the usual cheerful smile on his face, he continued. “You’re already a nuisance enough to this world, so don’t try to make people hate you even more.”

I shifted my gaze to the marble floor. I’ve come to hate how he’s able to say those things so casually.