Friday 24/May/2024

Prayers, etc.: • 05:00 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 06:00 – the Angelus • 07:45 – The SORROWFUL MYSTERIES of the Holy Rosary. Followed by The Memorare. • 08:15 – Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre: We are unfortunately so far from God. Our minds and our hearts are so attached to the things of this world, so absorbed by our thoughts, our desires, our projects. What we have, our reputation, what people think of us, what people say about us – all those things preoccupy us much more than God does. Ah, if we could only be more detached! That is perhaps the main effort which you can and you must make. You have to detach yourselves from the goods of this world, from honors, from reputation; detach yourselves from your own thoughts, your own desires; and abandon yourselves into the hands of Providence, into the hands of God, in order to give yourselves entirely to Him; in order from now on to have only the interests of our Lord Jesus Christ in your heart and in your soul. • 08:30 – May 23, 2024: Francisvatican Announces The End Of The Chinese Underground Church – Canon212 • 12:00 – the Angelus • 18:00 – the Angelus • 19:20 – The hour of Compline for tonight according to the Traditional Pre-Vatican II Divine Office, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Friday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum.

Health Metrics: • bw= 220.60 lbs. • bp= 129/68 (75)

Diet: • 05:45 – ½ pb&j sandwich • 07:00 – applesauce & cottage cheese • 10:30 – baked chicken • 11:50 – hot dog & bun • 14:00 – big bowl of home made meat and vegetable soup • 18:00 – small bag of cheetos snacks

Chores, etc.: • 05:00 – listen to local news talk radio • 06:30 – monitor bank accounts activity • 09:00 – watching Bannon's War Room • 13:00 – watch Human Events Daily – with Jack Posobiec • 14:00 – follow news reports from various sources • 15:30 – trying again to clean the threads on an outside faucet. As yesterday, today I'm applying WD-40 and trying to wipe it clean with rags. Something new added to that project today is scrubbing the threads with a wire brush between applications of WD-40. • 17:45 – after working 2 hours on that darned faucet, I'm inside now, listening to the Texas Rangers warmup show before their game vs the Twins. 1st pitch is ~20 min. away.

Chess: • 11:55 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Saturday 24/May/2024 ~19:50 #DLMAY2024

by Roscoe