Sunday 10/Sep/2023

Prayers, etc.: • 06:30 – Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel • 07:40 – Today's Rosary, the Glorious Mysteries, is offered as Day 27 of the 54-Day Novena for Our Nation, and that is followed by the Daily Mass Readings for the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time • 18:00 – the Angelus • 18:30 – Catholic Night Prayer, followed by Fr. Chad Rippberger's Prayer of Command to protect my family, my sons, my daughter and her family, my granddaughters and their families, my great grandchildren, and everyone for whom I have responsibility from any demonic activity. – And that followed by the Sunday Prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum

Health Metrics: • bw= 221.30 lbs. • bp= 141/80 ((56)

Diet: • 08:20 – fried bananas • 09:10 – cottage cheese and applesauce • 10:40 – 1 cheese sandwich • 13:00 – bowl of shrimp and spinach mung bean soup • 16:00 – snacking on peanuts and raisins

Chores, etc.: • 07:30 – recorded health metrics • 08:00 – watching old eps. of comic book heroes on H&I Network • 11:00 – NFL Today Show, to be followed by the games of the day. • 13:35 – switched over to KRLD to follow the radio call of this afternoon's Rangers vs A's game • 16:30 – after a satisfying Rangers win, I switch over to IndyCar, catching the last 14 laps of the Firestone Grand Prix of Monterey. • 17:00 – local news and weather • 1840 – listening to the Dallas Cowboys Pregame Show, their game vs the New York Giants to follow.

Chess: • 11:45 – moved in all pending CC games

posted Sunday 10/Sep/2023 ~18:50 #DLSEP2023

by Roscoe