Roscoe's Story


Full-Radio Saturday

It's good to hear The National Anthem played by a college band before a football game. Of course it was done virtually, and I'm following the game over the radio so I don't have to see anyone disrespecting. Still, it's nice to hear.

Ohio State kicks off, Nebraska has the ball, and the game is underway.

This will be a full-radio Saturday for me. I'll be following college football games on the radio all day long, purposefully avoiding those obnoxious political ads that are EVERYWHERE on TV.

And the adventure continues.

Published on 24 October 2020, ~11:15 CDT, this is my post number 95/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #RoscoeEllis #microblog #SeniorLiving #Saturday

by Roscoe

Now... and Then


NOW: This morning I registered for the Catholic Identity Conference 2020 which is taking place this weekend. The event is being live-streamed and I'll be watching many of the speakers as they give their presentations. The whole thing is being recorded so those parts I miss live I'll be able to catch later.

THEN: Several decades ago when I was younger, when I drove (I no longer drive – eyesight is shot, you know), and when I had the time and health to do such things, I attended many conferences similar to this in person. I found them in Chicago, in Louisville, different venues in Ohio, all Midwestern cities to which I could easily drive, check into a hotel and spend the weekend. Great experiences I remember fondly.

Times have changed now and so have I. And I find myself looking forward to this weekend's Conference enthusiastically.

The adventure continues.

Published on 23 October 2020, ~11:15 CDT, this is my post number 94/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #RoscoeEllis #microblog #SeniorLiving

by Roscoe

Mystery solved!

two missing pills

When I took my morning health metrics today, as I do every day, I was curious about my blood pressure reading. It was higher than normal. Not scary high, mind you, but significantly up from my norm. And I couldn't understand why that should be. Now I wonder no longer.

When I took my Thursday morning meds a few minutes ago I noticed that there were still two tablets remaining in the Wednesday morning pill box. And one of those is prescribed primarily to keep my blood pressure down. Doh! Apparently I failed to unload them yesterday.

I'll have to watch that, won't I? Yes. Yes I will.

And the adventure continues.

Published on 22 October 2020, ~10:45 CDT, this is my post number 93/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #RoscoeEllis #microblog

by Roscoe

OMG! Where did my morning go?

This is what happens when you take a really good mid-morning nap. You fix a good breakfast, see the wife off to work, sit back in the recliner to catch some favorite news broadcasts, and... you open your eyes to discover it's almost Noon already!

There's not as much day ahead of me now as there was when I fixed the morning coffee and started making plans. Guess some of the chores will just have to wait until tomorrow.

And the adventure continues.

Published on 19 October 2020, ~11:40 CDT, this is my post number 92/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #RoscoeEllis #microblog

by Roscoe

Once an expensive frustration, now...

—– a value, all things considered. So this weekend I bit the bullet and signed up for a subscription to Sirius XM Radio.

Many years ago I had a SiriusXM subscription for several months. If memory serves me right, the service was more expensive then. And I didn't have the tools to make best use of it. I was carless then (as I am now and always will be – eyes are too bad to drive safely) and I could only listen to it over my computer or with a special SiriusXM radio. And the radio proved to be pretty quirky. So I dropped it after a few months.

Recent frustrations with TuneIn Radio and a conversation with my sister prompted me to look at Sirius again. I found it to be less expensive than I remember. And now with apps to work on my smartphone (didn't have a smartphone back then) and on my tablet (ditto the tablet) and good Bose speakers on the main computer now, it's a pleasure to use SiriusXM.

Long story short, now I can cancel my Premium TuneIn account, use SiriusXM, and get more of what I want while saving money.

And the adventure continues.

Published on 18 October 2020, ~16:00 CDT, this is my post number 91/100/365 of the blogging challenge.

#100DaysToOffload #RoscoeEllis #microblog

by Roscoe