
Dental Care Tips: 9 Bad Habits to Avoid It is natural for a person to have bad habits, but the things we do unconsciously could damage our teeth. Dentists often treat patients with cavities, too much wear-and-tear, broken teeth, tooth loss and even gum disease. Most of them could have avoided these dental problems if they changed some of their habits. Here are a few dental habits to avoid. If any of these sound familiar as something you do, now is the time to change: 9 Bad Dental Habits to Stop Now Chewing ice Though this may seem harmless, ice can cause your teeth to crack or chip. Instead, sip cold water or chew sugarless gum. Using teeth as a bag/bottle opener This habit can certainly crack natural teeth and cause damage to dental restorations. Use scissors or your hands, instead, to open bags and bottles. Chewing pens or pencils This tends to destroy tooth enamel and chip/crack teeth. Pens and pencils are made for writing, and instead of chewing them, opt for sugarless gum. Drinking carbonated soda This habit is hard to give up, and since soda is acidic and filled with sugar, it can also cause tooth decay. Drink water in its place. Brushing too hard This may seem like a good habit, but in fact, can wear down tooth enamel. Dentists advise that teeth should be brushed gently and in a circular motion using a toothbrush with soft bristles. Oral piercings Piercings on the lip and tongues cause a metal object to rub continuously against the gums. This can lead to gum disease or even tooth loss in the long run. Biting down on a metal object by accident can crack a tooth. Getting such decorative piercing is not advisable. Eating starch-filled junk foods Eating such food is not healthy for both the teeth and body. Foods with lots of starch and sugar tend to leave deposits that could cause the formation of plaque and tooth decay. A healthy diet leads to healthy teeth. Grinding teeth This habit may not be done intentionally, but is still bad. People who grind their teeth at night have to wear a night guard, a dental care appliance, upon the advice of the dentist. Smoking This bad habit can cause teeth stains, gum disease and even worse, oral cancer. If a person cannot quit this habit, it is time to ask for professional help. A dentist can help in breaking your bad dental habits and replacing them with good ones. To maintain your natural teeth for a long time and beautiful smile, stick to your dental appointments and good dental care practices. [Dentist Oxnard](https://oxnardds.com/)