
Recast1 Coin * About R1 Coin: - Proof of stake and proof of transfer to ensure that the supply is an increasing coin - R1 will be limited annual supply within unlimited supply. An inflation token that can be earned R1 with proof of deposit and proof of transfer. -It is our principle to provide R1 formation with staking and transfer method at certain annual rates. *How will the proof of transfer method work? Coins obtained from the transfer up to a certain percentage of the daily transfer amount will be automatically assigned to your account. You can review the mathematical simulations of this in the Technical Report. *How will the proof-of-stake method work? Monthly, 3-month, 6-month, 9-month and 12-month % R1 will be credited to your account. With these methods, the supply will increase at certain rates every year and an inflationary token will occur. * About R1 exchange : -We hope to increase the functionality of the exchange by providing all the necessary advertising networks. -We will select the projects suitable for our system among the promising Stut-up projects and list them with R1ex. -Individuals and Institutions provide their tokens by forwarding their projects to us and we guarantee that we will list them with R1ex and / R1. - Stutup projects on the R1 exchange will collect demand at certain rates and will be processed with variable durations proportional to the R1 coin weight on the exchange. - We ensure that Tokens to be listed are free from speculation and manipulation. * About R1economy : - All institutions and individuals in the world will be able to create their own profiles and easily find what they are looking for about all economic units in the world. -Each profile will be defined as Economist and Strtejist after reaching 1000 followers in the first place. -Economists and Strategists will be able to sell their software, indicators and economic articles as NFT if they wish. - If they wish, they will be able to share their members individually for R1 coins. -Economists and strategists will not be allowed to manipulate people. - Investors will be able to receive retraining according to the expertise of economist and strategist accounts, if they wish. In short, everything about all economy wheels will be found on this platform. - A general news network will be created about all economic activities in the world. -Our aim with this platform is to enable each individual to be their own economist and strategist and to ensure that investment analysis is done correctly. Details : www.recast1.org Telagram : - https://t.me/recast1coin - https://t.me/r1coinchat -R1