Why Health-Conscious People Search for STD Testing Near Me

If you are thinking of undergoing an STD test, then this is an important step towards ensuring your physical health. When people talk of health they hardly include sexual health. They talk of fitness, weight loss, taking care of the heart, liver, digestive system, and other aspects of physical health, but hardly anybody talks of having an STD-free existence.

You may consider yourselves fit and healthy, but what if you are carrying HIV? You cannot know this through a routine health examination. The only way to rule out the possibility of HIV infection is to undergo a test.

STDs are notorious for being asymptomatic. You may believe yourselves to be healthy when you may not be. The virus or bacterium causing sexually transmitted infection might be lurking in your body, paving way for health disasters later in life.

Separate tests

STD testing is not included in your routine health exam. You must tell the doctor to conduct STD testing. Many people refrain from doing so due to social stigma attached to STDs. If this is the case with you, then you can visit your nearest urgent care clinic. They offer discreet testing facility that allows you to undergo testing and billing anonymously. This saves you from awkwardness and also gives you a chance to take charge of your sexual health and correct it, if needed.

About STDs

STDs are caused by different pathogens. STDs caused by viruses are often incurable. The virus stays inside the body for lifetime; however, it is possible to suppress the viral load through appropriate treatment. This lets the patient live a healthier life and not spread the infection.

Bacterial STDs are often curable provided you undergo timely treatment. A course of antibiotics is enough to kill the bacteria and make you free from the infection.

Certain STDs are also caused by fungus. Examples are: candidiasis and fungal meningitis. Scientists are on the lookout for more such fungal infections that spread through sexual activity.

Trichomoniasis, popularly called Trich, is caused by a parasite.

At times, certain yeast infections mimic the symptoms of STDs such as frothy discharge from vagina or penis, itching, and others. In this case, only a test can determine whether it is really a yeast infection or an STD.

Testing for STDs

People who search for “STD testing near me” might be frowned upon by the society, but in reality, these people are doing the right thing. They are taking a crucial and responsible step towards health.

Sex is an important part of a happy and fulfilling life. It is vital for both partners to be healthy to have good sex and to avoid transmitting infection to their newborn. A couple who visits their nearby clinic for STD testing are not “dirty” or “immoral” as tagged by the society, but are responsible and educated people with the right health-consciousness.

So, what are you waiting for? Are you sure you are sexually healthy? If not, walk in the nearby clinic and ask for an STD test today. No appointment is needed.

www.xpresscarenow.com offers testing and treatment for STDs caused by viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. Looking for STD testing near me? Visit the clinic. Log on to the site now.